As a child, you were afflicted with a terrible physical or mental illness or a debilitating wound that prevented you from functioning in society. You gain access to the Bastard social trait and the Shamed story feat. You swore an oath or vow that was important to someone else, but you did not keep your promise. He may have been a master thief, circus performer, fencing master, or swashbuckling pirate. He seems to always be the slightest bit damp as if he got out from a pool a few moments ago. Character background generator for the Pathfinder Tabletop Roleplaying Game Regret and Penance (–3 cp) Not only do you regret your action, but you have publicly admitted to it and did your best to make amends for the wrongdoing. You gain access to the Civilized social trait and the Vagabond Child regional trait. An otherworldly agent of law and good—such as an. You know that sorcerous power comes from the blood, but as far as you know, none of your ancestors possessed your gift. You’ve seen innocent people suffer due to another’s lies. Uncertain of alignment? You have never fully trusted anyone since and prefer to rely on your own abilities rather than place your trust in others. When you were born, a powerful fiendish entity tainted your blood in some way and cursed you as an agent of dark prophecy. You gain access to the Strength Foretold magic trait. You grew up in a religious colony or settlement. Your parents receive orders directly from the monarch, and you’re expected to attend the royal court. I highly recommend the random background generator from Ultimate Campaign. You penetrate enemy lines, gather information, deliver coded messages, and sabotage enemy supplies. Whether through healing magic or basic heroism, your savior gave her life that you might live. a shining example of your style or order, you’ve honed martial prowess through spirited and exciting competition. Perhaps you were so sickly as a child that you couldn’t turn a crossbow’s winch or bend a bow, but firearms showed you that you could still hunt and fight. These powers stem universally from the sorcerers‘ distinctive bloodlines. This intuition sometimes leads to discoveries through methods most of your peers would never have thought possible, but that you somehow know will work. You gain access to the Mercenary social trait. Roll on Table: Monk Backgrounds to determine the origin of your exotic training. You gain access to the Sea-Souled regional trait. That mark can be on your body or your soul. Roll on Table: Alchemist Backgrounds to determine what event inspired you to study alchemy. Now you can experience the background generation rules from Paizo's Pathfinder: Ultimate Campaign* without needing to roll on a dozen or so random tables! You live for the reflexive wince that others make when they jump at the sound of a. Includes stand-up map figure, square map token and stats card for … You gain access to the Child of the Temple faith trait. You gain access to the Worldly social trait and you roll a d12 instead of a d20 on, Your criminal record began when you were young. You gain access to the Artisan social trait and the Life of Toil social trait. However, stuck in the body and mind you have, you feel you’re destined to fail. Your. Each point on the first track represents you turning away from what is good and heading down a path of evil. The discovery of your, As a child, you created imaginary playmates that you felt truly spoke to and heard you. You’ve adopted the manners and style of this age, and are fascinated by its customs, relics, and artifacts, and by the historical figures of that time. Fire has always been a seductive and powerful force that you have either embraced with glee or focused care. If you roll this result again, you are one of triplets; otherwise, your sibling’s relative age determines which of you emerged first. You gain access to the Worldly social trait. Whatever the case, your own kind are now your, You have always been good at finding and extracting people from their hidey-holes. When the boss was present, everyone listened. You gain access to the Unpredictable social trait. You distinguished yourself at an early age when you won a competition. New Pages Yet each barbarian’s rage is different and personal. 65 You grew up in the church of the Dark Smith, where you learned the value of hard work and achieving vocational mastery. You’ve always had an innocent expression and a silver tongue, so naturally you were recruited as a spy during your childhood. Through a ritual, vision, or dream, you communed with a primordial spirit of nature. Only you and maybe a select few people know of your involvement in the conflict. Ever since you were young, your community has groomed you to fulfill this role. It performs poorly on "Google Chrome." This could have been the person who taught you the heroic abilities you possess, or simply a kindred spirit who helped form your worldview. Background Design (5e Guideline) Don't like how you are playing your character, who you are, or fed up with the DM? 1d2 biological siblings. hokaze/pathfinder-background-generator Android app automating Pathfinder's Ultimate Campaign Background Generation rules. That’s when you decided that you wanted to be up on that stage performing for the adulation of the crowd. You gain access to either the Scrapper race trait or the Surface Stranger regional trait. Player characters and non-player characters from a particular background now have a list of appropriate occupations to choose from. Your early memories were founded in a world where this great power affected your region for good or ill. You gain access to the Worldly social trait. If you are playing a paladin or some other character who must be good, roll a d6. This desire for knowledge frequently exceeded her need for companionship, but you were the single exception. You gain access to the Reincarnated faith trait, the Arisen story feat, and the Forgotten Past story feat. Roll on Table: Fighter Backgrounds to determine the event that led you to this profession. With two or more siblings, you gain access to the Kin Guardian combat trait. Either you have forsaken your kinsfolk or they have forsaken you. You might indulge in every passing fancy or hold strong against a temptation that constantly eats at you. You gain access to the Life of Toil social trait. You aren’t the next in succession, but your power and wealth are grand indeed. Step 1—Homeland, Family, and Childhood Determine the circumstances of your birth, your parents’ profession, and a major childhood event. Having achieved a strong foundation in the physical and metaphysical elements of this martial art, you’ve been designated the lore keeper for its history and traditions, and must now find new student or students to train. You were born among peasants or slum denizens. You gain access to the Fiend Blood bloodline race trait and the Accursed story feat. The history of your people is a saga of struggle against another race. One of your close associates was a clown who mocked propriety and custom, instead engaging in wild and somewhat random actions from time to time. Without it, you are no longer yourself and are prone to suffer from depression, moodiness, or aggressive behavior. You gain access to the Desert Child regional trait. Your family members receive hereditary titles, land, and estates, and are among the most wealthy nobles in your domain. In youthful vigor, you declared that your fire would not be snuffed without a fight. You gain access to the Civilized social trait. During your childhood, you were influenced by a significant event that helped to shape the person you became. Once you have determined your alignment, choose a deity or religious philosophy. Maybe a relative died from plague, a friend was crushed beneath rubble you were too weak to move, or some other horrible tragedy occurred. You broke a rule, law, contract, or agreement for your own gain. Roll on Table: Major Childhood Event to determine the type of event that shaped you in early childhood. You have never experienced any kind of romantic connection whatsoever. This may have been a small village in the hinterlands or a kingdom-sized theocracy devoted to a single religion. You gain access to the Mercenary social trait. The Paizo Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules. Since that moment, magic weaponry has become symbolic of the most potent syntheses of your. We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. You may have used this item for mischief, crime, or good. When determining your conflict, you accumulate a number of Conflict Points (CP). This may have been the result of distance, changing perspectives, death, or differences in class or family. Each of the following grants a drawback you may choose to take. You gain access to the Fiend Blood bloodline race trait and the Damned story feat. Roll on this table again. Game Journals Most of the time, you just avoid thinking about the conflict. Your parents are likely slaves or servants, or you were sold into slavery as an infant. Roll on. To determine these aspects of your background, do the following: 1. This relentless vigilance and self-control gave you tremendous focus and arm you with strategic methods to redirect those wild energies coursing through you. Map figure sheet. Theme: Romance: This sort of adventure (rarely played, but worthwhile anyway) has as its central plot the romance between two characters, usually a player-character and an NPC. The capricious and carefree gnomes of the world are widespread and varied. You were close to a person who claimed to see the future—perhaps an. You’ve engaged in a number of partnerships, but for some reason or another your relationships always fail. Torn as half-elves are between disparate peoples, the presence of their families helps ensure they do not grow up totally alone, though orphaned half-elves have to create families of their own. Your unique, unabashed vision resonated with the audience, revealing new perspectives as well as simple truths. You gain access to the Suspicious social trait. You’ve always had a knack for getting out of trouble. You gain access to the Unblemished Barrel combat trait. There's several automated tools around to roll it up for you if you don't want to do it yourself. Bards have a talent for song and story, and they come to their careers by developing this talent as they pick up on a smattering of other skills. Child or young person (increase your CP by 1), Lover or former lover (roll a d12 instead of a d20 on. Result. You affiliated with a guild, gang, or group of thieves and thugs, carrying out illicit missions to further their interests and sabotage those of rival gangs. Early in your arcane training, you were exposed to antimagic. Magic came alive the first time you held a magic item. 1d2 siblings and 1d2 half-siblings (roll d% to determine each one’s race; 01–50: 2d4 siblings. How To Use Pathfinder Character Generator:-The PCGen Roleplaying System is incredibly equivalent to Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 in various aspects. Your birth was caused by violent, unwilling means. You had a romantic connection in your adolescent years, and this person deeply influenced your personality. A great sum of wealth or property was bequeathed to you at an early age, providing you with extraordinary means. Roll on Table: Romantic Relationships to determine the kinds of romantic relationships you have had in the past. You learned long ago that in the heat of battle and under the pall of war, even the most devout can waiver in faith. Best Background for Barbarians From the sly rogue to the stalwart paladin, Pathfinder allows you to make the character you want to play. This person brought you wondrous mementos and told you of all the places he had traveled and the people who lived there, inspiring a wanderlust within you. | PF2 SRD. You gain access to the Unseen But Not Undone magic trait. Your observance of the natural world gave you the ability to extrapolate combat forms without traditional training. He helped shepherd you into adulthood, teaching you everything you know about the world. You gain access to the Killer combat trait and the Innocent Blood story feat. No more! You gain access to the Reactionary combat trait, the Lost Legacy story feat, and the Redemption story feat. This generator collects a few words from you and embellishes them to create a rich character. Simply replace the words “Human” with “Dracen”. Latest Pathfinder 2e! You gain access to the Seeker social trait. Though the generator provides many foundational details of a character’s background, it takes some creative thought to massage the specifics together. These plants flourished like no others. This person was a lone wolf who nonetheless cautiously allowed you to become a member of her solitary pack. You gain access to the Larger Than Life combat trait. You gain access to the True Love story feat. The list below offers the most logical background for the 12 base classes in DnD 5e, taken from all officially published material, but primarily the Player’s Handbook. You can also use the charts and tables in the background generator as a springboard for your imagination, deliberately selecting background elements that inspire you or fit the direction you wish to explore. You lived your life in anticipation of growing up so you could affect the dull backdrop upon which your mundane life was painted. You used sensitive knowledge or threats to force someone’s cooperation. You grew up either oppressed by magic cruelly wielded or loathing the elitism of those who possessed such arcane or divine power. At a young age, those around you, whether family or friends, realized that your intellect was more than mere precociousness. Even if you are not interested in your character being associated with a deity, you can choose “No Deity” or “Undecided” granting you access to abilities outside the realm of faith. This determines how the conflict ultimately affected your alignment and to what extent. The resulting biography is written in free text rather than confined to tables and charts. You gain access to the Highlander regional trait. Only on the rare occasion that the subject was a child or a young person does the subject affect the accumulation of CP. Someone saved your life at great cost. This person collected friends like trophies, and she had contacts in every social or professional circle. Your dedication to the blending of martial and magical has been so intense that your martial prowess feeds your arcane power. I'm the creator of the Trove Tokens 3.75 Character Generator for Pathfinder 1E. She taught you how to thrive on your own in spite of the many perils and natural dangers of your native environment. You are rarely clouded by pure dogma; instead you’re unafraid to question and create your own path toward truth, justice, and righteousness. You are the child of a baron or baroness, a noble responsible for a land encompassing several smaller manors that pay tribute. Like the background questions presented earlier in this chapter, the ideas on these tables are simply suggestions designed to channel and focus your imagination. The tables behind this are based off of those found within Ultimate Equipment and the Core Rulebook. It might have been a family member who saved you from a precipitous fall or adventurers who saved you from a marauding monster. Animal companion. You gain access to the Resilient Caster magic trait. Kitsune, or fox folk, are vulpine shapeshifters known for their love of both trickery and art. Intelligent item. You were born with the mark of your faith. Poverty and hunger forced you to steal to survive, or to help your loved ones survive. Who knows what course your life might have taken had you not been forced to take up arms? After you’ve determined these basic character elements, you can begin using the background generator to determine your character’s unique background by following the three steps summarized below. The particular path that steers a cleric toward her faith can mean the difference between a demon-worshiping cultist and a lawful harbinger of her deity’s blessed faith. You gain access to the Grief-Filled social trait. You gain access to the Vagabond Child regional trait and the Deny the Reaper story feat. Roll on Table: Magus Backgrounds to determine what event drove you to blend martial powers and magical ability. You gain access to the Axe to Grind combat trait, the Foeslayer story feat, and the Vengeance story feat. You might not openly brag about your part in the conflict, but you don’t deny it when confronted either. You gain access to the Merchant social trait. Training from dawn to dusk to hone every inch of your body into a fighting instrument, you studied with scores of other students in an academy or school dedicated to one specific martial art. Most of what you created was dictated by the patron’s tastes, and you probably still work for this patron, who maintains a strong influence over your life. You are the vanguard of your faith. You know that in order to bring the light of your deity to others, you must traverse hostile territories and face even more hostile inhabitants. One of the broadest character archetypes, the rogue is found among all walks of life—from highborn spies infiltrating the courts of kings to common criminals making their livings preying on passersby in the alleys and streets. Is vast, your community has groomed you to study alchemy current faith showed you how to it. The Green faith trait and the other members of your magic distance, changing,! You picked up an instrument or a person who claimed to see the future—perhaps.! Sorcerers ‘ distinctive bloodlines more viable early age did not keep your promise that. Who excelled at athletic endeavors and tests of Strength or skill arm you with extraordinary.! 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