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god sends confusion






How quickly and sincerely you responded to His correction! The form of the original sentence, "Then speaketh Joshua," &c., is suitable to this view. In Genesis 11, God divinely confuses the people who had a common language so that they could not understand one another’s speech. Stop judging according to outward appearances; rather judge according to righteous judgment. Out of an entire crowd of people, only 12 were left when Jesus, at His last meal with His disciples, just prior to His crucifixion, finally cleared up His confusing speech in John 6:53. For this is My blood that establishes the covenant; it is shed for many for the forgiveness of sins. 41k has been breached . 20:11 PRAYER POINTS 1. In Dean Stanley's account of the battle, the sun is made to stand still at noon--in the middle of the day. To make wise the simple, yet withhold wisdom from those in opposition to His word and His ways. God confirms the ministry of His prophets with fulfilled predictions. But in order to avoid the confusion of false prophets and their false prophecies, can we take refuge in an isolated verse (e.g., 1 Cor. Solomon worked hard as a supervisor in a factory in the town nearest his village, which was still quite some distance away. Thank you for setting an example for all of us. That was a better lesson than most sermons given today. So the sun arose on Joshua and on Joshua's enemies. Anyway, back to the point of the article. The time is some thirty-six hours, allowing for the miraculous prolongation of the day. And the whole city was filled with confusion: and having caught Gaius and Aristarchus, men of Macedonia, Paul's companions in travel, they rushed with one accord into the theatre. What we are doing when we use this scripture or any other scripture in this fashion is operating in a form of judgment that Jesus sharply rebuked. The LORD is good. Sisera left his chariot and fled on foot. Let’s chew upon some other references now. “We don’t know, Daddy,” replied the boys in unison. And this problematic kind of thinking and usage is widely prevalent in the body of Christ. But some sneered and said, “They’re full of new wine!”, The Holy Spirit has been poured out. Thanks for sharing that Maunta. God gave us His Word to help us whenever we are in need and when confusion sets in, we can run to it and find our answers. Thank you and God bless. Confusion is actually a helpful problem which reminds us of something that is always true: We are always dependent on God and need to ask him to help us and show us how to pray. And yet when the limited understanding of our carnal minds is confronted, we are no better than Solomon, for almost immediately this is what flows out of our mouths: “God is not the author of confusion!” Now, Americans, you do know which mountain the Lord was showing the three boys, don’t you? I receive it’s correction. Are you making fun of me and my country, poking holes in the Bible, in my theology? Now once we are in America, we just need to go to the mountain that has this man’s face on it.” He beamed at his siblings. “Well, I am going to work. (12-15)--The whole of this paragraph appears to be a quotation from the Book of Jasher. “This is the man I saw in my dream whose face was on the mountain. Confusion over spiritual truth is the natural state of humanity; believers, too, may be perplexed by God’s purposes or thrown into confusion by false teaching. Prophecies do not run on our time schedule and we have no idea how things might line up. Christopher. Truth and wisdom will seem confusing to those not walking in His ways. So Solomon decided to give his boys an assignment. He was not permitted to go down, or to pass over to the western side of the heavens, until the enemies of Israel had disappeared. He will make wise the simple if they ask for wisdom. The LORD will use that ruler although evil t…, Steve Quayle posted an article from Mike Adams (Natural News) regarding Focus on the Family pushing the COVID shot. Azekah is not identified, but was probably somewhere near Amwas. Such an AWESOME POST & MESSAGE SUJIT. If we fail to do this, all we see and hear may very well end up being simply “confusion.”. Consider some of them. Thank You for the excellent teaching from the word of God! Sometimes God allows us to come to a place of confusion, where the road forward seems unclear. I’ve copied the journaling verbatim, as she shared it. What if Satoshi is still alive and dumps all his coins at one go. D. God punishes unrepented sin with mental illness/insanity: 1. " I needed His word this morning. And we, what did we do with it? Hosea 4:6 - My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.Ignorance causes confusion and division. This is an opportunity that God has surely arranged for us. The first brother then said, “Let’s ask Daddy to decide. I was reading a Europe Reloaded article ; one of many to do with cu…. It must not be forgotten that while we know the law and rate of the earth's motion, we do not entirely understand what the CAUSE of the motion is, and therefore it is impossible to state what must be done in order to arrest the motion for a time. The Lord, in reply, gave each of them a dream. . Then the Lord said to me, “Do not pray for the well-being of these people. You really can trust God in the midst of your questions, confusion, uncertainty and doubt. He did not tell you anything. Then during the morning watch, the Lord looked down on the Egyptian forces from the pillar of fire and cloud, and threw them into confusion. Does this make that particular verse a safe haven? Coming back to our topic of interest, please read Acts 2:1–13. So if the cycle repeats, the top would be next Wednesday. THE APOCALYPSE, THE CATACLYSMIC EVENT 2021 – War, Sulfur, Charred Bodies, Rubble, Burnt By Fire, Cities Plundered, Missing Children, Mothers Laying in the Streets, Sudden Destruction & Significant Death (Godshealer7), Post Election Prophecy: Biden May Die, Restoration, Vindication, Holiness, Preaching the Cross, Prophetic dream shows price relationship between Bitcoin and a certain alt coin, ‘Perfectly Healthy’ Florida Doctor Dies Weeks After Getting Pfizer COVID Vaccine. No, brethren. Familiar passage, right? Literal Standard Version and because of this God will send to them a working of delusion, for their believing the lie, NET Bible Consequently God sends on them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false. From the fact that all the passages cited in this way are more or less poetical, we may infer that there was a poetical literature among the Hebrews (partly written, partly unwritten) from which the inspired writers occasionally made extracts. The miracles of Moses and Elijah and Elisha are not less wonderful than this. “Really?” asked their father somewhat incredulously. New Heart English Bible That book is mentioned also in 2Samuel 1:18, where the lament of David over Saul and Jonathan appears to be a citation from it. “Because God is not a God of confusion!”, “Because she prophesied in the name of the Lord, and it did not come to pass!”, “Because he esteemeth the Sabbath and has therefore gone back under the law!”, “Because God is not a man who lies or a son of man who changes His mind!”, “Because she esteemeth not the Sabbath, and Jesus said that if we loved Him, we would keep His commandments!”, “Because for fear of COVID-19, he weareth a mask. One day his boss told him that there was an opportunity for him to travel to America because he had been recommended for specialized training, and his boss had kindly arranged for his whole family to travel with him. But the mid-day sun does not appear to be "upon" any place in particular; the morning and evening suns do. Joshua 10:28 And that day Joshua took Makkedah, and smote it with the edge of the sword, and the king thereof he utterly destroyed, them, and all the souls that were therein; he let none remain: and he did to the king of Makkedah as he did unto the king of Jericho. Jesus is the Father; Jesus is the Son; Jesus is the Holy Spirit. He arose, and his course was then arrested. I will certainly give you true peace in this place.’”, But the Lord said to me, “These prophets are prophesying a lie in My name. And may our Lord’s favor and grace rest upon you and your loved ones always. the vaccine. Sometimes, God ordains confusion in judgment but also to accomplish a larger purpose, like in Genesis 11, where as a result of the people’s language being confused, they had to stop building the city and tower and spread out over the face of the whole earth, in accordance with God’s command to Noah and his descendants in Genesis 9:7, but the Genesis 11 passage is not a prohibition against constructing cities or tall buildings. in the valley of Ajalon.--The two prepositions are the same in Hebrew. Sorry, you read that correctly. Surely he knows better than us.” The other two agreed. Day 18 – Praising God sends confusion into the enemies camp. "From the utmost foundation of heaven, giants are…. As someone who has experienced God’s undeserving love, grace, and mercy personally, Sujit would like people to know that the Lord has no pleasure in the death of the unrighteous, but would rather see them repent and live. Is God trying to confuse us? Upon Gibeon; and . It will alter your DNA and turn you into a zombie. How the miracle was done we are not informed. 1 Corinthians 14:33 | View whole chapter | See verse in context For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. Answer: The Bible makes it clear why God is sending a strong delusion in the end times: “They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. The Bible says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11). But there is still a question left unsolved even then. 14:24, HCSB; emphasis, mine), The Lord will send against you curses, confusion, and rebuke in everything you do until you are destroyed and quickly perish, because of the wickedness of your actions in abandoning Me. Upon Gibeon; and . That is really worth contemplating. As in later times they sang, "Saul hath slain his thousands and David his ten thousands," so. And we hear this statement quoted quite often in prophetic circles, with the unsaid implication being that God does not cause confusion and therefore when people share words/visions/dreams that appear contradictory to or non-conciliatory with other prophetic words/visions/dreams or does not line up with our carnal understanding, that God is not the author of such words/visions/dreams. But He is not an author of confusion to those who are walking in His ways. Thanks Sujit. We won’t be able to travel, to work, to have a ba…, Hi William I wasn't shown to buy any particular coin in that dream, but just to BUY. And if they are not independent, it is not easy to say why a perfect solilunar cycle is not more readily obtained. The devil thought he could manipulate the Word made flesh, for his own gain. And have you already forgotten what you read? Judges 4:15 And in front of him the LORD routed with the sword Sisera, all his charioteers, and all his army. May the Lord grant us all hearts as soft and tender as yours! At least Holy Scripture is consistent throughout, in the view that the God of Israel never spared a sign or a wonder that might further His purposes towards His people. On another note I would not call anyone on here or other sites a false prophet until all is said and done. No, no, no! Bitcoin hit 42k , so the drop might be further into the future. Look at verses 6–7 (HCSB; emphasis, mine). Therefore, I urge you, brethren, that before reading further, you pray to the heavenly Father to prepare your hearts to receive His words and counsel, lest you become offended and bitter and pepper this post with angry comments. I pray for us all to be blessed. I totally get what you’re teaching. Come, let Us go down there and confuse their language so that they will not understand one another’s speech.”. "They were more that died with hailstones than they whom Israel slew with the sword." If it is the rdd, then hopefully rdd should start to rise when btc start to drop from $40k. It's true. When we seek God’s presence and ask for his provision, our prayers pierce through the darkness and confusion of this world, creating an opening for an outpouring of God’s peace. Let’s at least be honest with ourselves, brethren. Then why are two simultaneous verses in the same chapter of the same book of the Holy Bible contradicting each other? And the excellency of His gifts and calling dwell in you as well. Christians unsure about whether to take the COVID vaccine. Let me present this from another angle. The Character Test. The name Jasher (upright) is not taken as the name of an author, and what it refers to no one knows. Makkedah is thought by Conder to be El-Mughar, in Philistia, the only place in the district where there are caves. Sisera abandoned his chariot and fled on foot. Later in the day, as one of the brothers was looking through the little material on America that their father had brought for them, he exclaimed, “I found it! And what did He really mean, by the way? Haven't we gone over 750 billion? But in John 14:26, it is the Holy Spirit who is called the Counselor, and here in the above passage, this child is also called Eternal Father. It was the height of summer (as appears by the date of the passage of Jordan, and the commencement of the war, Joshua 5, 6), and in a little while the heat would prevent or greatly retard further operations. He had never in his wildest dreams imagined going there. (Deut. The Amorite army was surprised, and speedily took to flight. And so I will present one here to graphically illustrate why when a prophetic word/vision/dream appears contradictory to or non-conciliatory with other prophetic words/visions/dreams or does not line up with our understanding, it is unwise to regard such prophecies as always worthy of the dart of 1 Corinthians 14:33. It points out that God is God and we’re not. This is obviously extremely specific. I k…, Thanks a lot James and Expat Gal. LORD -- the proper name of the God of Israel, Conjunctive waw | Verb - Qal - Consecutive imperfect - third person masculine singular | third person masculine plural, To make a noise, move noisily, confuse, discomfit, Preposition-l | Noun - common plural construct, Israel -- 'God strives', another name of Jacob and his desc, Conjunctive waw | Verb - Hifil - Consecutive imperfect - third person masculine singular | third person masculine plural, Preposition-b | Noun - proper - feminine singular, Elevation, the act, the condition, a climactic progression, Beth-horon -- 'place of a hollow', two adjoining cities in Palestine, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, OT History: Joshua 10:10 Yahweh confused them before Israel and he (Josh. I did not send them, nor did I command them or speak to them. The words in this post are mine, but the message is the Lord’s. Sometimes, God sends confusion as a curse upon His people as a result of their unfaithfulness toward Him. 2:11 Therefore God shall send them - That is, judicially permit to come upon them, strong delusion. He shared this word with us, here on Z3 News, on August 13, 2020. That would be confusion, and "God is not the author of confusion" (I Corinthians 14:33). “That’s it?” Solomon asked, a bit annoyed. Urgent: Can You Bear What Jesus Is Telling This Generation? Jeremiah 34:7 When the king of Babylon's army fought against Jerusalem, and against all the cities of Judah that were left, against Lachish, and against Azekah: for these defenced cities remained of the cities of Judah. So let us all exercise care in how we walk. Brethren, has not Brother Thomas correctly perceived and accurately prophesied about our condition? Some people wear the mask as not to offend, which is also commanded in Scripture. But the road from Gibeon to Beth-horon appears at first to ascend slightly, and then to descend. 1:3), confusing these same Israelites by not just telling them but assuring them that they must consume His flesh and drink His blood, if they are to have life in themselves? Prophetic dream reveals big Bitcoin crash ahead. If the Lord says anything it is important and not flapping of the mouth to be heard. The 76 trading day cycle actually ends on Jan 13, not Jan 8. Also on 28/12/20 I saw $50,000 in a dream. Just what is happening here, brethren? He does not want His children in confusion. I found the place!”. We have with us and in us someone greater and wiser than Solomon. We must go back to it and read it in full, and do so over and over again, until the message sinks in. We may compare Numbers 21:14; Numbers 21:27, where reference is made to poetical passages either current among the people (as national ballads) or actually written. All down the slope the hail followed them, for some seven or eight miles. The next 12 days are very crucial to DT. This problem should be solved before men can assert the thing to be impossible. IT was not until I had an opportunity of verifying the course of the combatants on the large Ordnance Map with the sheets fitted together that I was able to form a clear and connected notion of the proceedings of that memorable day. If we emphasize one single verse/passage out of its proper context, at the expense of the rest of the Word of God, we are inevitably, sooner or later, going to fall into a ditch. Very Important Post James: by Robert .F Kennedy Junior. . This was a special mountain. They presently saw--what we so often see in the early morning--the moon in front of them on the west, just setting in the valley of Ajalon, and the sun behind them over Gibeon on the east. For permission to use our content in other formats, please contact us. Jos). If God Himself told the Israelites, and they had it in their law, that they are not supposed to consume blood, then why is God in the flesh (John 1:1, 14), Jesus Christ, the image of the invisible God (Col. 1:15), the exact expression of His nature (Heb. Well your screen names. Nice one -Matt . A sudden inspiration now seized Joshua, and he requested that the cool morning hours--the best time for battle--might be prolonged. Not everything that happens in the world is God's fault. Therefore, simply quoting a scripture is not sufficient, particularly in this generation. Next morning the boys woke up excitedly and went to Solomon and said, “Daddy, God answered our prayer, and we saw the place in a dream. Now let’s look at John 6:53 (HCSB; emphasis, mine). The Lord will send against you curses, confusion, and rebuke in everything you do until you are destroyed and quickly perish, because of the wickedness of your actions in … Because if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man looking at his own face in a mirror. He is very Pro-active. "Then spake Joshua to the Lord." The Shrouding of His Friendship (see Luke 11:5-8). Please Lord forgive me. Blessings. I think perhaps you need to define "author of confusion" in a less poetic way since while I already agreed that God allows confusion and sometimes sends it saying He is the "author of confusion" is itself confusing. And yet what do some people hear? Did we not, as a family, read 1 Corinthians 14 yesterday? By the way, isn’t it astonishing that even after the crowd had been filtered out, there still remained a devil in their midst?! I guess it gets back to not just understanding verses with our own head knowledge or other mens doctrines- traditions of men ..but having Revelation of the Scripture verses/ rightly dividing the word of TRUTH THRU THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.. TO GIVE US UNDERSTANDING.. What an appropriate picture man in helmet falling in the mud.- proverbial ditch!.. Now read the whole passage, because I will not reproduce it here. Our region has no 5G, but still quite high Covid-19 rate. There are some prophetic voices out there that seem to lack substance and tickle the ears. The confusion in language at the tower of Babel was not authored by the devil, a false prophet or teacher, or a mischievous angel. When an evil ruler comes to power more often than not it is for chastening the people. Prince Charles is to be made Prince Regent this year in June. For this reason, God will send them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie. I ended up buying RDD as I have seen in dreams figures I hope will be fulfilled soon (the same ones I already share…, Folks Steve Quayle had a really interesting post in his alerts section... Wow. Praise the Lord! Confusion over spiritual truth is the natural state of humanity; believers, too, may be perplexed by God’s purposes or thrown into confusion by false teaching. 14:11–14, HCSB). Gibeon and Ajalon are only about nine miles apart. Clarity comes when we are no longer confused by the options or choices we have. God bless. Sometimes, God uses confusion as a weapon against His enemies or the enemies of His people. and the government will be on His shoulders. Me and my famil…, I have no choice, I cannot take this vaccine for legitimate medical reasons (past severe allergic reactions). You are just being unnecessarily harsh and rude now. Therefore He sometimes uses evil rulers to accomplish His purposes for the greater good as shown in Daniel ch…. As for the remark made by one commentator, that the silence of other contemporary records is a presumption against the miracle in its literal sense, we ask, Where are the contemporary records that are silent? Therefore, it would be prudent to not do so but to read with care. The 120 are speaking the magnificent acts of God, and the crowd that’s gathered is testifying that each of them is hearing these Galileans speaking in their own native language. No, brethren. I had a laugh about the “weareth a mask”. , Donna Praising God sends confusion into the camp of the word made flesh, for some seven or miles. Understand how God can allow such confusion, uncertainty and doubt take a look at matthew 26:26–28 ( HCSB emphasis... Does this make that particular verse a safe haven godly and biblical leader his dreams! Any case, indeed, this is a remarkable feature of the blue word with and... On our time schedule and we have he advocating that we grow up into Christ in all things Eph. 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