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42–70, 13 CEOs of B2C companies often like to make unannounced visits to stores and other frontline operations to better understand the customer experience that the business provides. The result of these efforts is a model for CEO excellence, which prescribes mindsets and practices that are especially likely to help CEOs succeed at their particular duties (Exhibit 1). Find the balance between the two and do your best to always lean toward optimism. Select topics and stay current with our latest insights, The mindsets and practices of excellent CEOs. One CEO of a Business Roundtable company, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to speak freely, said the new statement was not intended to suggest companies should weigh the concerns of … Companies that reallocate more than 50 percent of their capital expenditures among business units over ten years create 50 percent more value than companies that reallocate more slowly. Winning the trust and support of your leadership team, the organization and its … However, sensible individual processes can cohere into a clumsy system that results in more confusion and wasted effort than accountability and value. If you are looking to strengthen your CEO/CHRO partnership to drive business results, consider the following: CEO s: Ask for and expect more from your CHRO • … But, the most effective leaders recognize that while boosting these business skills are extremely important, they shouldn’t be the only focus in continuing their education. Research shows that sound corporate governance practices are linked with better performance, including higher market valuations. Knowing the negative consequences is important, but focusing on them can lead to an excess of critical thinking. Never miss an insight. ACT Fibernet: Building broadband 'highways', I would like to have 1,000 rooms by 2025: Shruti Shibulal, Making design work: Ergnomics shapes today's workspaces, LinkedIn reveals three-pronged strategy for India, Seven unusual Companies: In conversation with Saurabh Mukherjea, 10 Reasons Why Empathetic Leadership Matters, Emotional Intelligence – The Building Block of Relations That Last. Instead, take five minutes to take a deep breath and absorb the situation before coming out with a plan. There are always ways in which we can grow. Such biases contribute to many common performance shortfalls, such as the significant cost overruns that affect 90 percent of capital projects. Inessa Love, “Corporate governance and performance around the world: What we know and what we don’t,” World Bank Research Observer, February 2011, Volume 26, Number 1, pp. Good CEOs know that these statements need to amount to more than slogans for office posters and use them to influence decision making and day-to-day behaviors. Scott Keller and Colin Price, Beyond Performance: How Great Organizations Build Ultimate Competitive Advantage, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2011. We also know that biases cannot be unlearned. 17. Practical resources to help leaders navigate to the next normal: guides, tools, checklists, interviews and more. Setting your company’s course is arguably the most significant and daunting responsibility you will face. Excellent CEOs form a small group of trusted colleagues to provide discreet, unfiltered advice—including the kind that hasn’t been asked for but is important to hear. According to McKinsey research, five bold strategic moves best correlate with success: resource reallocation; programmatic mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures; capital expenditure; productivity improvements; and differentiation improvements (the latter three measured relative to a company’s industry). Although it is impossible to plan for every potential problem, do your best to be a proactive leader. Research shows, however, that this approach delivers another sort of outcome: the dreaded “hockey stick” effect, consisting of a projected dip in next year’s budget, followed by a promise of success, which never occurs. 2. 6 Good CEOs ensure that their companies have an effective risk operating model, governance structure, and risk culture. However, all of them will be more affordable and less time-consuming than a traditional degree. Such an agenda calls for the board to go beyond its traditional fiduciary responsibilities (legal, regulatory, audit, compliance, risk, and performance reporting) and provide input on a broad range of topics, such as strategy, M&A, technology, culture, talent, resilience, and external communications. At the same time, being a realist who focuses heavily on the negative aspects of a topic is not exactly being a realist at all. CEOs who are promoted from internal roles should explicitly ask and answer the question, “What would an outsider do?” as they determine their strategic moves. tab. Why the disconnect? When brainstorming, a CEO must be open-minded to the ideas and strategies that the employees bring to the table and not just focus on their own designed strategies. In addition, the CEO should make sure that the board and management take up related activities, such as reviewing talent and refreshing the strategy, at the same times of year. Organizational design: Combine speed with stability. They also ensure they have a diverse team, which has been shown to improve decision-making quality. Great CEOs and their boards also anticipate major shocks, macroeconomic events, and other potential crises. Excellent CEOs endeavor to minimize the effect of biases by instituting such processes as preemptively solving for failure modes (premortems), formally appointing a contrarian (red team), disregarding past information (clean sheet), and taking plan A off the table (vanishing options). The CEO should be focused on keeping enough financial fuel in the corporate tank. 10. Long-term strategies are set, yet talent promotions are based on near-term results. Strategy is a key differentiator and can disrupt markets, focus investments and teams and fuel success. It is your job to set the vision for the company. On the flip side, bringing employees into every decision-making process is not only burdensome but can be considered a waste of time, as well. Michael recently wrote an article, “ 4 Sales Pipeline Metrics Growth-Oriented CEOs Must Know ” on the most important sales pipeline metrics every CEO should be aware of. Leadership matters—and no leader is more important than the leader of leaders. Scott Keller and Bill Schaninger, Beyond Performance 2.0: A Proven Approach to Leading Large-Scale Change, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2019. And, if you understand your employees better, that’s a win-win all around. Adaptation is a strong skill for prospects, and it is also one that leaders should work on, as well. A focus on the greater goal Nobody starts — or works for — a company because they like to watch sales tick up. Capabilities: Seek balance and development. What Should a New CEO Focus on First? For example, the CEO might suggest that certain types of expertise or experience—be they related to industries, functions, geographies, growth phases, or demographics—would enable the board to better assess and support the business. Finance leadership is expanding to include more involvement in strategic technology investment decisions, analytics, and … 9 Build relationships at all levels. Urgent product ideas are approved, only to get bogged down in long technology queues and one-size-fits-all risk-management processes. Their conviction can increase because subordinates tend to say only what bosses want to hear. To help CEOs figure out where they stand with respect to the mindsets and practices described in this article, we developed the assessment guide in Exhibit 2. Strive to make the first few days as CEO highly organized and focused to create an everlasting impression as a successful CEO and leader. 13. 2017 Cone Communications CSR study, Cone Communications, May 2017,; Eddie Lou, “Why millennials want more than just work: The importance of your ‘double bottom line,’” Forbes, June 9, 2017,; 2018 report on US sustainable, responsible and impact investing trends, US SIF, October 31, 2018, Industry and geographic trends account for 25 percent. Instead of committing a lot of time and money to a traditional degree, you can fast-track building your technical skills with programs like coding boot camps or micro degrees. Pessimism in leaders is especially troubling for companies as that trait will trickle down to other employees and infect the workplace. To prevent yourself from being distracted by people who want to maintain the status quo, the focus for your first 100 days as a new CEO should be on: Understanding the game and context. Excellent CEOs form a small group of trusted colleagues to provide discreet, unfiltered advice—including the kind that hasn’t been asked for but is important to hear. Establishing good relationships and a tone of transparency early on enables the CEO to build trust and to clearly delineate responsibilities between management and the board. For example, the “endowment” a CEO inherits (for example, the company’s revenue base, debt levels, and past investments in R&D) accounts for 30 percent of what enables a company to move from average to the top quintile of economic profit. “Dan Ariely on irrationality in the workplace,” February 2011. New CEOs are always under the stakeholders’ microscope. CEOs can also help improve the board’s effectiveness by ensuring that new members complete a thorough onboarding program and creating opportunities for the board to learn about topics like changing technology, emerging risks, rising competitors, and shifting macroeconomic scenarios. The remaining 45 percent that the CEO can control is what we’ve endeavored to illuminate in our model of CEO excellence. Clear expectations and focus alignment, along with trust in and respect for each other, are the hallmarks of our partnership. Teamwork: Show resolve. For example, a CEO’s office should carefully plot all aspects of the CEO’s meetings: agenda, attendees, preparation (including “alone time” for the CEO to reflect and get ready), logistics, expected outcomes, and follow-up. It will depend on your business culture, goals, employee culture, nature of the topic, and other considerations. 6. Mumbai: India should focus on building infrastructure and easing tax rules to help foreign investors own businesses in the country, Brian Moynihan, CEO of Bank of America, has said. 3 Set the vision. Every CEO should know their company’s mission and values. Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, big data, digital marketing, and many more technological advances are being touted as the goldmines for companies in the 2020s. CEOs should keep being aware of the challenges and confront them while they are still hustling hard to reach audacious goals. Value creation makes it possible to sustain the pursuit of other goals. A CEO must not be impulsive and every action should be thought carefully with analysis. While they must push ahead in spite of naysayers at times, they can also tune out critics once they learn to trust their own instincts. The CEO typically delegates management processes to other executives: the CFO looks after budgeting and sometimes strategy as well; the chief human resources officer (CHRO) looks after talent management and workforce planning; the CIO looks after technology investment; and so on. For more, see Martin Hirt, Kevin Laczkowski, and Mihir Mysore, “Bubbles pop, downturns stop,” McKinsey Quarterly, May 2019. 1. The high standards and broad expectations of directors, shareholders, customers, and employees create an environment of relentless scrutiny in which one move can dramatically make or derail an accomplished career. As they say, it's lonely at the top. We also drew on what we’ve learned from helping hundreds of CEOs to excel, from preparing for the job and transitioning into it, through navigating difficult decisions and moments of truth, to handing their responsibilities over to a successor. Even in decision-making, a CEO should not forget to involve team members in the process of decision-making and promote a company culture where everyone is welcome to contribute in order to reach the team’s goals. Relationships: Think beyond the meeting. To move “boldly” is to shift at least 30 percent more than the industry median. Further, they commit to making the team productive by regularly taking stock of and improving its operating rhythm, meeting protocols, interaction quality, and dynamics. At some point, however, it becomes important to look at the company with fresh eyes and to decide on the next set of bold moves, realign the organization, refresh the team and processes, and so on. Excellent CEOs don’t allow one management process to foil another. 15 Such a process takes a granular view, makes comparisons using quantitative metrics, prompts when to stop funding and when to continue it, and is backed by the CEO’s personal resolve to continually optimize the company’s allocation of resources. A great culture is reinforced by words and actions. be achieved will end up achieving more than constant critical evaluation ever will. For example, instead of a manufacturer aspiring to be number one in the industry, the CEO can broaden the objective to be in the top quartile among all industrials. CEOs should also calibrate individual relationships, maintaining the distance to be objective but enough closeness to gain trust and loyalty. The slightest thing you do or say is picked up on by everyone in the system and, by and large, acted on.”, Perspective: Guard against hubris. The best go one step further and reframe the reference point for success. Expanding your horizons to understand a diverse set of opinions and cultures will increase the cohesiveness of your team. There are three critical areas of focus for a high-growth CEO: people, strategy, and cash. Yet more than half of senior executives report that the top team is underperforming. The best CEOs ensure that their own role is included so that the board has viable, well-prepared internal candidates to consider for succession. The CEO should function as a leader creating opportunities and not a manager solving problems. Refrain from immediately firing off an angry email or harshly commanding your team to do something. It is said that an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure. CEOs have many ways to gauge how well they are doing in their role. Developing skills in several other areas will help to dramatically boost the effectiveness of your leadership. What you do in the first months after taking the helm is important, but long-term success requires an eventual shift in focus. This will lead you step by step through all the tasks you need to do in order to develop a powerful strategic plan or common vision for your organization. Revenue should be a side effect of hitting the goal. Our flagship business publication has been defining and informing the senior-management agenda since 1964. Excellent CEOs spend time thinking about, articulating, and championing the purpose of their company as it relates to the big-picture impact of day-to-day business practices. When bad news does show its ugly head, it is also important to be responsive as opposed to reactive. One of the most important, and most difficult, parts of being new is … Revenue per employee After all, a company without strategy won’t last long. What the CEO controls—the company’s biggest moves—accounts for 45 percent of a company’s performance. The more areas a CEO excels in, the better their results tend to be. One must be careful though not to appear arrogant about their skills and what they offer to their employees. Moments of truth: Build resilience ahead of a crisis. Making one or two bold moves more than doubles the likelihood of rising from the middle quintiles of economic profit to the top quintile, and making three or more bold moves makes such a rise six times more likely. Other stakeholder groups (such as regulators, politicians, advocacy groups, and community organizations) also will require a portion of the CEO’s time. As such, they must find out the key and core areas that need attention and energy, and focus on them aggressively. CEOs should limit their involvement in tasks that can be dealt with by others and reserve time to deal with unexpected developments. As a consumer goods CEO told us, “You are speaking through an extraordinary amplification system. Kant further added that the production-linked incentive (PLI) scheme for 10 key sectors, which the government announced last month, should spur growth in manufacturing in a … The inspiration behind CEO Hangout is to create a community of CXOs who support and inspire each other to greater heights. A company has only one peerless role: chief executive officer. See Sheen S. Levine and David Stark, “Diversity makes you brighter,” New York Times, December 9, 2015,; “Better decisions through diversity,” Kellogg Insight, October 1, 2010,; and Bill Snyder, “Deborah Gruenfeld: Diverse teams produce better decisions,” Insights by Stanford Business, April 1, 2004, Excellent CEOs know what they want to accomplish, prepare well, communicate audience-tailored messages (always centered on their company’s “Why?”), listen intently, and seek win–win solutions where possible. Such a reframing acknowledges that companies compete for talent, capital, and influence on a bigger stage than their industry. Great CEOs and their boards also anticipate major shocks, macroeconomic events, and other potential crises. Because the CEO is the only person with the necessary mandate to push for removing friction to become a primary focus, with the appropriate allocation of capital and resources. And they know that stakeholders’ anger will likely center on them, in ways that can affect their family and friends, and accordingly develop a personal resilience plan. One way that CEOs try to reduce strategic uncertainty is to focus on options with the firmest business cases. However, these words are an important reminder for everyone that pertains to everyday life. People create and sustain change. 16 The authors wish to thank Michael Birshan, Naina Dhingra, Lauren Keane, Frithjof Lund, Vik Malhotra, Thomas Meakin, Monica Murarka, Volkan Oktem, Sven Smit, Nina Spielmann, and Kurt Strovink for their contributions to this article. We mined our proprietary database on CEO performance, which is the largest of its kind, containing 25 years’ worth of data on 7,800 CEOs from 3,500 public companies across 70 countries and 24 industries. For example, recent studies that detail how CEOs spend their time don’t show the difference between a good use of time and a bad one. Chris Bradley, Martin Hirt, and Sven Smit, Strategy Beyond the Hockey Stick: People, Probabilities, and Big Moves to Beat the Odds, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2018. It also takes some initial coaching on your part, as well as patience if they don’t complete the task exactly as you would. Decision making: Defend against biases. Practical resources to help leaders navigate to the next normal: guides, tools, checklists, interviews and more, Learn what it means for you, and meet the people who create it, Inspire, empower, and sustain action that leads to the economic development of Black communities across the globe. Being confident is important for a CEO. Interactions: Prioritize and shape. Eben Harrell, “Succession planning: What the research says,” Harvard Business Review, December 2016, pp. A crucial first step is discovering which roles matter most. Most transformations fail. A criterion used in virtually every “best CEO” ranking for public companies is how much value a CEO’s company creates. While most can support the … For example, a CEO’s office should carefully plot all aspects of the CEO’s meetings: agenda, attendees, preparation (including “alone time” for the CEO to reflect and get ready), logistics, expected outcomes, and follow-up. Unleash their potential. Executives who are appointed to the top job can boost their leadership capabilities by understanding and adopting the mindsets and practices that define CEO excellence. Reinvent your business. 18. That’s just setting yourself up for disappointment and setting them up for failure. But, looking for soft skills such as the ability to learn new systems quickly is potentially even more important than having a developed hard skill. Actively listening—not just listening to respond, Reading body language and other subtle hints, Negotiation skills that benefit both sides as best as possible, Knowing the difference between constructive criticism and plain criticism and delivering it effectively. Building relationships with individual board members positions the CEO to benefit from their perspectives and abilities, and privately discuss topics that may be difficult for the larger group to address. Being confident is important for a CEO. Culture: Go beyond employee engagement. A study on Developing Exceptional Executives by Navalent points out the importance of being transparent and balanced in every communication. Chris Bradley, Martin Hirt, and Sven Smit, Strategy Beyond the Hockey Stick: People, Probabilities, and Big Moves to Beat the Odds, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2018. Please click "Accept" to help us improve its usefulness with additional cookies. Ask successful investors what they look for in portfolio companies, and many will tell you they’d rather put money on an average strategy in the hands of great talent than on a great strategy in the hands of average talent. Flip the odds. 12. The most successful CEOs quickly establish an office (often including one or two highly skilled executive assistants and a chief of staff) that makes their priorities explicit and helps them spend their scarce time doing work that only CEOs can do. We'll email you when new articles are published on this topic. As the dean of Harvard Business School, Nitin Nohria, has said, “CEOs are accountable for all the work of their organizations. A compelling vision and sound strategy only go so far if you can’t communicate … And Just as Importantly, Next? As the new CEO, what should you focus on during your first 100 days? However, it’s not a matter of just handing off a task to someone without the same level of knowledge and hoping they do it the same way you would. Refrain from immediately firing off an angry email or harshly commanding your team to do something. 10 Please try again later. Managers pushed to agree to stretch targets find at year’s end that they are being held accountable for full delivery; sandbagging ensues. Our hope is that all CEOs, new or long-tenured, can use these tools to better apply their scarce time and energy. Here are the top 10 talent metrics that I have found to have the highest chance of getting your CEO’s attention. CEOs should keep being aware of the challenges and confront them while they are still hustling hard to reach audacious goals. Own role is included so that important roles remain well staffed the.... Be a side effect of hitting the goal on these topics can help without. 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