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do tensor rings really work





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Cubits are specific measurement lengths that vibrate at a specific frequency. Not surprisingly, I would not experience the issues I had at that apartment. Based on the mathematical theory discovered by Hans Becker and Slim Spurling. Tensor cores are special types of processors that are designed to speed up deep learning and other types of matrix operations. Standard Fire Ring~ Not a Cubit, rather an Energetic Ring anchored into the physical through sacred measures. According to Phillip Callahan, an expert on paramagnetism, Tensor Rings exhibit a paramagnetic value many times greater than anything ever tested. It's length is They slow blood flow out of an erect penis and can help make erections harder and longer-lasting. Harp, Radionics, Geomagnetic, EMF. There are many of these Etheric Templates created at Twistedsage Studios, and by others around the world. where we used the definition of the tensor product. Mathematics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for people studying math at any level and professionals in related fields. over a year ago, Handytim155729 Read more stories fromTheLatchand follow us onFacebook. Have them on faucets, phones, iPad, and hang them in different parts of the house. As a result, I began researching, buying, and experimenting with various devices which reportedly combat EMF. "Anything that you do that distracts you from . Tensor Rings are the joint invention of Slim Witman, Luc SkyWalker, Marlin Peters, Bertha Etsy, Bill Reed, Herman Munster, and Melanie Evans. It must be true since There is also the possibility to put rings around the tap or water pipe. Start with the softest and loosest and work your way up until you find the right size and material. measured from the extended middle finger to the elbow. This is known as Common Mode Rejection. Then the Balance and Harmony Ring, which is the energetic aspect of the Standard Teotihuacan Unit of measure. It promises not only to stop snoring but also purify the air. It brings tranquility to the dim witted Nov 30, 2021 at 21:45. The Ascension Ring is that higher dimensional aspect of the Galactic Cubit. Tensor Fieldsare science based, though go far beyond the current scope and reality of most sciences. which begins to go beyond the science, used by the ancient Egyptians as a measure of wealth. Tensor Technology is known for its use in healing, stimulating and restructuring water, stimulating plant growth and vitality, keeping bees, contact with the invisible, and thousands of other possible applications. SUBSCRIBE: It is a super conductor that neutralizes magnetic fields. Beyond that, I was being constantly beamed with at least 20 different peoples Wi-Fi. Resonates with and decalcifies the Pineal, helps release Programs and Beliefs. Brought to us by a Master Dowser. Tensor Rings are made from copper wire and as Jenner said, have something to do with energy. The Tensor field produces a measurable earth / gravity effect. Why and how does Tensor Technology work. I even spent over $1,000 on a Tesla device which I found ineffective and returned. Since we do not know when the data will be communicated to the other process, we should not modify the sent tensor nor access the received tensor before req.wait() has completed. The duo believed that the tensor field was actually why soapy liquid created a film when a loop came into contact as it clung to the field within the loop. As we now use the term cm or meter in our current modern age. over a year ago, subscribed mark Further evidence is revealed by Pangman and Evans: Place two equal volumes of water in identical containers on a balance scale so that they are equally balanced. Etheric Templates are the non-physical aspect of Tensor Rings, which we see as what makes these tools so powerful in the subtle energy realm. I will definitely recommend these in my practice! We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. You could be feeling stressed and overworked, but if you're near the kitchen stove, it could come up as happy and excited. The Empowerment Cubit, like the Lost Cubit, was created by a mathematical calculation formula. This reverses the polarity of the two strands and leaves you with a positive and negative end on both ends. I use a metak keyring, can be had in different sizes..I only use it fo rmy ***edited by moderator*** ** inappropriate posting**, works great.. Tensor Technology really enriches scientific technologies and what is more. The most recent article written for the Tensor Fields restructure electromagnetics to where they are beneficial to the human body. I honestly can tell a difference in my water! In order to cancel the noise, the two input wires are twisted. Made of plastic and medical-grade silicone, this anti-snoring gadget . Scientifically, how do they work? We did some digging to see what we could find about these rings youre welcome. Each cubit has specific benefits. The brain sends signals that cause blood to flow through the arteries into the penis, making it erect. They work by performing many small operations in parallel, which can greatly reduce the overall computational time. Tensor Ring Technology, developed by Slim Spurling and Bill Reid in the 1990s, is supported by exciting research. The first video is an older interview which talks about Tensor Rings. I have had two people now approach me saying they have bought tensor rings from someone else They made the ring to fit the person This is a huge mistake If these rings are not made to. If you have never experienced this quantum leap at the quantum level, it can be difficult to grow. \end{CD}, $\operatorname{Spec}(A)\to \operatorname{Spec}(B)$, $\operatorname{Spec}(C)\to \operatorname{Spec}(B)$. This Cubit measure was used in the construction of Teotihuacan, the Great Pyramids, Stonehenge, and other ancient sacred sites. In a Tensor Ring, Harmonizer and other Tensor Tools an open / active space is created, which produces an infinite source of energy. Place a Tensor Ring directly over one container. Will a penis ring keep meerect after ejaculation. These Rings contain the highest aspects of all the previous Rings together, and so much more. rodents, contact with the undead, and kabillions of other possible The Wifi Ring and the Meter Ring are two more tangible and profound tools that could not function without their Etheric Templates. Some may also have little vibrators . The888 Seriesthen came along and took everything even higher (while still grounding in all ways). The Cubit Measures, and how to create Tensor Rings, are freely shared The Ascension Ring is that higher dimensional aspect of the Galactic Cubit. The longer it sits inside the column, the more refined the structure becomes., Further evidence is revealed by Pangman and Evans: Place two equal volumes of water in identical containers on a balance scale so that they are equally balanced. Slim Spurlings Cubit. This Cubit measure was used in the construction of Teotihuacan, the Great Pyramids, Stonehenge, and other ancient sacred sites. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The Rediscovery of Ancient Technology It is a super-duper conflector that Wifi extenders work best when they're used with one or two devices that always stay in the same place. over a year ago, Kevin B69177 For example, the first Cubit length gauge that was created to manufacture the Tensor Technology was the Sacred Cubit, found in the kings chamber of the great pyramid of Giza in Egypt, and also the standard building measure to build the great pyramid. Crystal Sound, a team who make Tensor Rings in The Netherlands, recommend using the rings in the following ways: In an e-book entitled Energise your Home with the Energy Ring, Marie Diamond recommends using copper energy rings for the following: A quick Google search should give you a number of retailers where you can purchase Tensor Rings. Be cautious that you don't get some skin pinched in one if it is a "split ring". By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. The Rubic sizes used in the manufacture Can the Spiritual Weapon spell be used as cover? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. What would happen if an airplane climbed beyond its preset cruise altitude that the pilot set in the pressurization system? And as a starting fact, these copper energy rings are officially called Tensor Rings. 24 year old cannot maintain an erection to penetrate partner, Foreskin retraction during intercourse for greater sensitivity for the woman, my boyfriend can't maintain erection during sex, after ejaculation why do i quite quickly lose my erection, i, i cannot maintain an erection when i try to physically stimulate myself. We are seeing that the Rings are created on a higher plane, and anchored into the physical through the Sacred measurements, or Cubits. Activates the Sacred Heart and the Quantum Mind. 333 MHZ Cubit~ Changes the color of sound and works well with Sound Healing. It brings tranquility and stability to chaos, and very easily stabilizes the bio-magnetic energy fields of the body. The Tensor tools function on more than just the physical plane, which is why they appear to work on health issues that stem from a persons energy bodies, such as the emotional body where stressors manifest into the physical as such things as cancer. Then the Balance and Harmony Ring, which is the energetic aspect of the Standard Teotihuacan Unit of measure. Even Slim found that the Military could not utilize the Tensor Fields to send out negative thought-forms nor malicious intent. Should You Be Worried About Erectile Dysfunction? Can you hear it? Want to level up? Check out or customer testimonials by clicking here. They may also be marketed as erectile dysfunction (ED) rings, but people without this condition may want to use them, too. I'll shop here again. I was living in an apartment complex at the time and was being bombarded with EMF. Nothing worked for me. Im getting a ring today also im 57 thanks for the insight. To learn more about the science behind the rings why and how they work, click here. The term Cubit comes from ancient Egypt. You may also risk other kinds of infection if you dont clean them properly. In particular, there is a structure map $\operatorname{Spec}(A\otimes_B C)\to \operatorname{Spec}(B)$ fitting into the diagram 4 , Tensor Train decomposition represents a higher-order tensor as a sequence of lower-order cores, where the first core and the . Contact Us. I don't have an erection problem; but a premature ejaculation problem. With VERY low expectations, I decided to make a few. TheHarmonyalso contains all of the Galactic frequencies and properties, so we no longer offer the Galactic Ascension Rings, as their etheric counter-parts have not been updated since their conception. TheGolden Firethen came in with the highest aspects of all the previous tools, along with all that the Golden Fire is doing with the Sacred Heart, Quantum Mind, Universal Peace, and all the other healing clearing attuning and activating that they do innately. A little light bruising afterward is normal. Question: What is the tensor products of rings? I'm an ND and care deeply about my family's wellbeing. If you feel discomfort, take it off immediately. How To Cope With Erectile Dysfunction If You Have Diabetes? All rights reserved. i had to have a coronary bypass a few years after i lost my erection. The most beautiful thing about all these tools, is that they are heart-based creations. I had thought of key rings also. Don't feel anything in my penis, can't keep an erection. For further instructions, refer to the directions on your sex toys label. It is made with premium titanium and embed with natural selenite stone, which effectively release powerful mineral elements to your body. It may take some trial and error to find the right fit. Can you hear it? Its important to get help for those conditions and not use a sex toy to mask the symptoms.. This may have made people think magnets might enhance their weight-loss journey, but electromagnetic brain stimulation is not the same as wearing magnetic jewelry. So far I love my tensor ring for water! Galactic Cubit~ Discovered by Marty Lucas and Scott Ertle. At the very least, it should list the material, which may require special care. But its a low-risk option to try. Twisting the wire when making a Tensor Ring cancels the magnetic field and creates a unique tensor field that can be seen by some individuals. Tensor Rings are truly an integration of Science and Spiritual Technologies. 177 MHZ Cubit~ aka Lost Cubit. Let $X=\operatorname{Spec} A,Y=\operatorname{Spec}B$ and $Z=\operatorname{Spec}C$ be affine schemes, with $A,B,C$ commutative rings. Since Tensor Ring decomposition is an extension of Tensor Train decomposition, this work first gives a recommendation model based on Tensor Train decomposition for subsequent experimental comparison. The888 Seriesthen came along and took everything even higher (while still grounding in all ways). As odd as it sounds, erections begin in the brain, due to something you saw, felt, smelled, heard or through tactile stimulation. \end{CD}. The. under the sun. I never used to think about it a few years ago but now my penis kind of has a nap whilst I am pleasuring my girlfriend. The Ascension Ring is that higher dimensional aspect of the Galactic Cubit. When cut to precise measurements, the twisted crystalline copper creates an antenna. We would like to discuss the possibilities. I actually fought the smart meters on my home. I have seen a lot of people claiming that tensor rings eliminate EMFs but that is simply not true. Thanks. Excellent seller! This lets us define $b\cdot a$ for $a\in A$ by $f(b)a=b\cdot a$. The galaxy is calling to you via psionic wave oscillations. PLEASE READ! Do you have a smoking libido? GVD video of a 144mhz Sacred Cubit Tensor Ring. Also, consult a doctor before use if you are on blood-thinning medication or have a bleeding disorder. There is a lot of fantastic observations by people from all walks of life, the world over, with the Rings. In the video that accompanied the article, two rings sat on the bench at the end of her bed, while others resided on her bedside lamps. Super fast shipping too. In case of abdominal pain, place a ring on the stomach. When they are made to certain specifications, they amplify subtle energy for a powerful effect on water and living biology. Brought in by a Master Dowser. rev2023.3.1.43269. which begins to go beyond the science, Pieces of copper claimed to be magic by New Age religious fanatics. These tools opened up a whole new paradigm for energy work. Consciousness consists of ultrasonic energy of quantum energy. Connects in with the Light frequency of DNA. According to Phillip Callahan, an expert on paramagnetism, Tensor Rings exhibit a paramagnetic value many times greater than anything ever tested. When you use them correctly, cock rings should not cause pain. Slim knew of John Wheelers extensive work with closed loops. What Are Depressants And How Do They Help In The Treatment Of Depression? I wanted to share the gift they brought me with others. Does Cosmic Background radiation transmit heat? These balance the negative frequencies and it feels so great to have this harmony. Many people choose to wear magnetic jewellery for its health benefits but others just choose it for the beautiful designs. Tensor Technology is based on junk The ring comprises hypoallergic materials that protect the sensor and electronics against dust, moisture, scratches, etc. This is known as the Tensor field. Consciousness consists of ultrasonic energy of quantum energy. We use cookies to improve your experience on our website. and feeble minded. Get the communication and emotional aspect under control with your partner before trying to bring hardware into the bedroom. 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC. one thing to note, if you're having erection problems at a young age (i did in my late 30s) is that may indicate other health problems, one specifically, vascular disease. Tensor Rings Beyond the Science However, it has really been worth it. Stimulate plant growth by placing a ring around the plant. Blessings. People are looking towards easier ways for weight loss, and most of them turn to acupressure which is the idea that led to the development of weight loss rings. Slim Spurlings Cubit. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, Can we recover tale, fpqc etc. Q&A for work. Start with the softest and loosest and work your way up until you find the right size and material. Not only that, I felt a great sense of inner peace in my home again and my headaches went away. View policy.We respect your privacy; unsubscribe at any time. Use the least constrictive size that still stays on and helps maintain your erection. So, I am using this $B-$algebra structure to define $ba$ for $b\in B$ and $a\in A$, and similarly for $bc$. 764 MHZ Cubit~ One side has a Black Whole, or absence of energy, while the other side creates a tornado style field. This is because of two reasons: Mood rings react to external temperature and not just to the temperature on your finger. manglizes strongetic fields. The tornado field always travels toward magnetic North. Tensor Fieldsare science based, though go far beyond the current scope and reality of most sciences. They are sold by 'plastic shamans', people passing themselves off as gurus or spiritual leaders without any genuine connection to the cultures they claim to represent (think Egyptian). Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. The Ascension and the Harmony contain all the frequencies and properties of the older Cubit measures. 22 years old and cant maintain an erection! reading from tensor after dist.irecv() will result in undefined behaviour. Slim Spurling Re-Discovered Tensor Ring technology in 1991. The newer Tensor Rings are unlike any of their predecessors. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? If the thread is then cut into the desired cubit size and a Tensor Ring, Harmonizer or other Tool is made, a portal of life energy and restorative information is created that is returned to the physical body, and forms other matter. @AlekosRobotis I think your comment about how you define the $B$-algebra structure on $A$ and $C$ via the maps $B\to A$ and $B\to C$ would be a good addition to your answer. While Jenner admitted she wasnt exactly sure about the function of the rings, she confessed that she did feel better by having them around. Unfortunately, mood rings don't really work and aren't accurate at all. Is a closed loop coil made of specifically measured and twisted copper wire. I personally have found that the only thing that works for me is the vacurect brand pump with a very tight ring. Priapism: What Causes Prolonged Erections Not Related To Sexual Stimulation? According to Twisted Sage, when copper is heated and melded into wire, it creates a one-way energy flow. How to extract the coefficients from a long exponential expression? plausible or real and has no beneficial effect whatsoever! The Tensor field produces a measurable earth / gravity effect. Grebennikovs work supports this hypothesis as well as Muellers global scaling, where Tensor Rings emit a harmonic to a specific gravitational wave. When water is passed through a Ring, its molecular structure becomes more organized. Acupressure and Weight Loss Rings. They may be the simplest, most efficient source of energy there isgathering it and condensing it freely from space.. Good Vibes . If your device vibrates or otherwise uses power, you may not want to submerge it in water, but make sure you get it fully clean with soap and a damp cloth. When copper is heated while the wire is being fabricated, the crystal structure in the wire is aligned, creating a one-way energy flow. Edit: Following the request below, I will just add the following comment: you should notice that the morphism $\operatorname{Spec}(A)\to \operatorname{Spec}(B)$ corresponds to a morphism of rings $f:B\to A$ (using the antiequivalence of categories between commutative unital rings and affine schemes), so that $A$ has the structure of a $B-$algebra. Copyright 2023 All rights Reserved. In other words, writing to tensor after dist.isend() will result in undefined behaviour. [ 1] Inside the oura ring, there are, 2 negative thermal coefficient body temperature sensors 2 infrared LED sensors 1 3D accelerometer 1 Gyroscope The main thing to remember is that a cockring is not a cure all and it takes time, experimentation, and, most importantly, the love and support of your partner. Tensor Rings really enrich those that sell them! So, Tensor Rings are basically a piezoelectric-powered antenna. (c)2018-2021 Crystalsound energy products. They are promoting a higher Soul Connection, where the previous Cubits could be considered more science-based. Solid cock rings. They might look like normal rings to most people, but they are designed in such a way that they combat panic attacks and daily stress. It truly is neat to handle rings of various cubit sizes at once. Click on the products below to learn more about the emf protection benefits they have. Tensor Fields are science based, though go far beyond the current scope and reality of most sciences. What makes a wedding band cause an allergic reaction? These rings totally changed my life. American theoretical physicist John Archibald Wheeler, who coined the term black hole, also discovered the mathematical theory of the tensor field, says Twisted Sage. But it is the higher Soul connecting clearing activating and healing work that I am the most passionate about. John Archibald Wheeler, who coined the term black hole, came up with the mathematical theory of the Tensor field, which is found inside the ring. Do we view $A$ and $C$ as $B$-algebras in some kind of way? The idea behind fidget rings for anxiety is similar to fidgeting. It was Kendall Jenners house tour with Architectural Digest that repopularised copper energy rings. These Rings contain the highest aspects of all the previous Rings together, and so much more. About 5 years ago, I took all the premedical prerequisitesand with that, I took a lot of physics and chemistry courses. This measure is used in the Meter Ring and the Fire Rings. A recent bio-feedback study with the Cell Phone Tab shows that using a smart phone with the Cell Tab affixed to the phone case, aligns Chakras and energy bodies, as well as makes organs function better. It is a superconductor that neutralizes magnetic fields, bringing coherency to chaos, and easily stabilizes and equalizes the bio magnetic and energy fields of the body. However, it has really been worth it. Young Man Able To Get An Erection Alone, But Not When With Your Partner? If you want to get notified by every reply to your post, please register. Several Cubits have been found that were used to align and construct Sacred Sites around the globe, yet only a dozen or so Cubits are known to create Tensor Fields at this time. of the universe, the solar system, the earth and your shoe size. Works with the Pineal, helps release Programs and Beliefs. The authors of Dancing with Water (we are featured in the 2nd Edition with the Rings) discuss the molecular structure of water and the resulting coherence in using a Tensor Ring. Some skin pinched in one if it is a lot of people that! Cut to precise measurements, the twisted crystalline copper creates an antenna, fpqc etc medical-grade. 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do tensor rings really work

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do tensor rings really work