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kotor 2 czerka mainframe erase





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Head through the exit to the outer courtyard when you're ready to proceed with the quest. Bastila, as you might've seen during your little contretemps in the Rakatan Temple, is a tough cookie when three of your characters are taking her on; one-on-one she can be fairly overpowering, especially if you let her use her Force powers with impunity. To compensate for the scoundrel's discomfort when wearing medium or heavy armor, scoundrel's luck simply adds a bonus to defense that is always active, even when the character is wearing no armor. As you proceed into the facilities, you'll come across a couple of vignettes where you'll be forced to choose between violence and inaction. Once you activate stealth mode, your character will disappear from sight, allowing you to travel where you wish, provided you don't run across an enemy with keen eyesight. All targets up to 16 meters away in front of character take 1-6 damage per level of Jedi (10-60 max). If anyone in your party uses blaster rifles, you should max out Zaalbar's Bowcaster; if you pump it full of upgrades, you can transform it into a +3 attack bonus beast that deals out 3-12 damage, with a critical range of 17-20. For example, your character starts the game as a level one soldier. Well, there is. Guess what you have to do next? Unlock the door to the detention area, then head up the hallway and get free Carth, et al. Proudly created with If you do play a Light side character, you'll want to let Jolee be your quasi-Dark Jedi for the duration of the game; since he's relatively neutral on the Force alignment scale, he can use the powers of either side without penalty, and since he's a Jedi consular, he'll have a deeper well of Force points than any other of your party members. All of these spikes are one-use-only, unfortunately, and are removed from your inventory after you add their modifier to an attempt to breach security (whether the attempt was successful or not). Proceed through the doors until you reach the outside corridor. If you're not a blaster user, let Carth equip the ion blaster, and then go to town. He'll have two Selkath groupies who attack with blasters, but ignore them for the moment. This term is used to refer to the character that you created at the beginning of the game; the character that is always in your party and is the focal point for the story that unfolds in KOTOR. Ask about the healing and he'll give you a +5 gain to your maximium force points. While you're leveling him up, you will probably want to pump his repair and computer use skills, as well as give him another rank in gear head, since all of this put together should get you up to at least the 16th rank in each skill, which will save you spikes and parts over the long term. To achieve your main objective, head north from here until you find the disassembly room. Haven't tried the mod pack yet, but when I do I'll let you know how it did. Corellian ale, envirosuit walks on Manaan's ocean floor; the whole nine yards. Later on, you may spot a few rapidly-moving figures in the distance while on the Dune Sea; this is probably Tanis and the battle droids he uses to hunt with. You can also just murder the technician to get them, so you can actually get Chodo to give you the money and then just kill the guy anyway and pocket the 2k credits if you're so inclined. You should be able to see the hangar on your map, from the tour, so proceed to the southwest until you find the door. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Youll need to go there alone. You'll gain a new party member, Juhani, assuming you didn't punch her ticket back in the grove, and be granted permission to leave Dantooine. NPCs will use feats as part of their default AI, but not necessarily. You can convince the customs agent that you really don't owe him 100 credits, or just pay him off. (You can also pick the locked door in the medical facility to find some Republic Soldiers in Bacta tanks. honestly i dont even remember setting them that way. Make your way back to the Cantina and speak with Corrun Falt, who should be watching the dancers. Now that you finally have a complete party, you can start looking around outside the city gates. They rely on it. You can also use Force persuade to get them out of the complex, but this won't get you any closer to that Light side mastery you might want. We've taken the liberty of purchasing as many of these as we could and upgrading them completely to give you a before-and-after picture of what they'll look like, so that you don't have to save and reload if you dislike an item. The affair was over, and that's why the Sith killed Elassa. There's the warrior tribe, which has situated its enclave on the north beach, and the elders, which are descended from the priest caste of the Rakatan, and who have their enclave on the south beach. He won't respond if you have party members around, so you'll have to go to the map screen and make sure that you're alone (Solo Mode doesn't count). To achieve a favorable Light side result, destroy C8 and agree to tell Elise that he's dead. Even if he does, your energy shield should be enough to keep you alive. Persuasion, on the other hand, will never shift you in either direction, though it's generally more difficult to use persuasion than it is to use affect mind. (Speaking of Yoda of Dagobah moreso than the Clone War-era Yoda, of course.) Finally! Salvage its head, then bring it back to Matton. Any one of these decisions will result in a small shift in alignment, towards either the Light side or Dark side of the Force; this alignment will affect such things as the cost of your Force powers, what equipment you can use, and, most importantly, how the ending of the game plays itself out. You can leave if you want, but if you wish to acquire more info on the missing Selkath, you'll need to proceed further into the base. Even so, a Dark Jedi of these levels of power is no powder puff. Even though HK is proficient enough at battle when you meet him, characters with a high repair skill will have the opportunity to tune him up a total of four separate times, each of which will add new abilities and attribute bonuses. There are two entrances to the Sewers; the entrance directly to the north of the settlement's exit is closer to Zaalbar's location, so go through that one. After reprogramm ing B-4D4-GE3 the Protocol Droid working for Czerka Corporation, which freed him from his duty to serve Czerka and gave him the ability to lie.Chodo Habat then sent B-4D4 back to the Czerka offices with the mission to find and copy the files of Czerka's . Before you follow Bastila to the Jedi Council, speak with the Twi'lek in the courtyard to learn of a missing girl, apparently captured during a Mandalorian raid some time ago. Your player-character is going to be on the brink of death, most likely, so run away from Jorak quickly before he cuts you down. Like persuasion, affect mind opens up new conversation paths; you'll be able to dominate other people into feeling what you want them to feel, or force them into revealing information that they would otherwise wish very much to conceal. It probably isn't worth your while to pump awareness up too high; it is, after all, a somewhat passive skill that merely seeks to let your character avoid damage. It will be garbled at first, but if you talk to it, then insert your datapad, then talk to it again, you'll get an interface in galactic basic. This might not be possible to obtain for characters without high persuasion ranks. You can set a mine that you have bought or found by making a check against the DC of the mine, which is either DC 15, DC 20, or DC 25, with the higher difficulties being, of course, the most powerful mines (which are usually used to guard the most valuable locations and items). Understanding that that Czerka would likely discover what had happened, B-4D4 and T1-N1 waited at the docks for the first shuttle to Nar Shaddaa. When you head through the door, the party members of a Light side character will be left behind; only your PC will be allowed to proceed. Youll need to re-equip everything. If you find yourself in the Sandral grounds, head to the eastern end of the upper plains to find the entrance to the cave. Dark Side Solution: Largo becomes Prestissimo for a moment, and then..the orchestra is silent. If you're intent on bringing Bastila back into the fold, then you'll need to follow the script here closely; if you veer off, even to what sometimes seems like it's nearly a synonym for one of the choices here, Bastila may decide to remain with the Dark side at the end of your conversation, and you'll need to reload. If on the other hand, you want to take out Thek, head back to the Bek base, speak to Zaerdra, and start knocking heads. Unfortunately, the Sith bombardment throws a kink into his plans. Some of the pieces you need you'll get for completing quests, others you'll find scattered around the game world or from specific merchants. As you might expect, this is a fairly straightforward side quest; just keep racing and racing until you beat the best times in each of three tiers to receive a horde of racing bonds, which unfortunately are only useable on Tatooine. Once that's done, Hulas will offer you membership in the Genoharadan, an elite and secretive group of bounty hunters. Rather, the repair skill merely reduces the number of parts required to repair a broken droid, allowing you to save one part for every four ranks you possess. They'll still target you, of course, but they should be weakened from the fighting, and since all the enemies on this level will be droids, you can use an ion blaster or rifle without having to worry about switching your weapons back and forth for different opponents. If you choose to stand against Yuthara, you'll take a Dark side hit if you inquired about her past back in the Sith Academy. In order to escape from the planet and access the Star Forge, you'll need to align yourself with one of the two surviving tribes of the Rakatan, the species which just attacked you. Now for the semi-tricky part. You do not actually get the profit from this, however. Handon, who lied about having his blaster stolen. The sense abilities, which you gain automatically as your Jedi character gains levels, simply add a bonus to your defense rating, helping to compensate for a Jedi's characteristic lack of armor. They both want you to work for them. (0/4). Use ion rifles and ion grenades to take them out, then free the pilot using the control panel. Juhani's tale begins with the story of her journey to Dantooine, and eventually extends backwards into her past, including the story of her harsh upbringing on Taris, and the bitterness she feels towards you and Bastila regarding what she feels was your role in its destruction. As such, your human character will be able to droidishly override the default programming of computers you encounter along your adventure, provided you have the skill necessary to use the computer 'spikes' which act as disposable hacking tools. All enemies within five meters of target are overcome with fear (stunned) for twelve seconds. In any case, once you've dealt with the firaxan threat, you can now access the Star Map, to the east of the kolto control panel. Be sure to explore every conversation option to get all the information you need; Sunry will, of course, claim that it was a Sith frame-up, and even ask you to find a way into the Sith Embassy to look for information. If you threaten to tell the Sith about it, you can force Zelka to hand over 100 credits, and earn some points towards the Dark side. Your quest is to find out what happened to it and retrieve it for her. The Assualt class brings the single best ability in the game at its first level. Her insanity attack has a DC of 31, so it'll be difficult for any of your characters to save against it naturally; this is why having a nerve amplifier belt or something similar on your characters is a good idea, since immunity to mind-affecting attacks will render insanity useless. Since the computer will always do its damndest to match or beat your score, you'll know that your initial score will have to be at or near 20 in order to win; unless your opponent busts by a huge margin, he'll almost always find a way to hit a 19 or 20 during the first few games, especially if he knows that you're sitting on an 18. Luxa Quests After escorting the droid for Czerka or the Ithorians youll be asked to negotiate with or kill Slusk, the leader of the Exchange on Citadel Station. Carth, Bastila, and your PC will be captured, so you'll need to pick one of your other teammates to hopefully escape imprisonment and rescue you, excepting Zaalbar, who obviously would have a difficult time evading capture by the Sith. Deck 2 matters. If you decide to help the Tuskans (you'll probably want to use the handy map screen warping tool to jump back to Anchorhead), you'll find that the Czerka protocol officer isn't very interested in your nonviolent solution to the Tuskan problem. Master speed will be critical to this fight, so try to reserve your Force points by any means necessary. STAR WARS Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. After you finish off Calo Nord, a Twi'lek will eventually approach you on one of the planets (though this may not occur for quite a long time afterwards). Head back to Roland Wann at the Republic Embassy. ), but we won't spoil those for you. Your characters are much better off when coordinating their attacks on a single powerful foe than by splitting up and attacking whomever the computer chooses for them to fight. Make sure HK-47 is in your party, if you intend to pursue the best Light side course of action; luckily, the party-switching feature of your map screen is still enabled in this map area. You can poll the judges in between each round of questioning, to see where their opinion is headed. Any thoughts? The first rule of Pazaak is: tell no one about Pazaak. As random as the placement of the booster pads may seem, there are definitely lines that need to be followed and planned out for each race track; this is as true for swoop racing as it is for any track in Gran Turismo. If the player sides with Jana Lorso rather than Chodo Habat on Telos IV, then Luxa will have Surik collect the owed credits from Opo Chano. Once you've chosen your class and gone through the level-up procedure, Dorak will give you a crystal and send you back to Zhar, who will help you construct your saber. These congenital deficiencies are represented in-game by the notion of 'cross-class skills.' Even if a mere +1 to hit doesn't sound impressive, you have to consider that, over the course of the game, your characters will engage in thousands of rounds of combat, so even a five percent larger chance to connect with a weapon will add up to a large savings in combat time, not to mention medpacs, since some enemies will undoubtedly die before they can deal damage to you due to your improved accuracy. Juhani, Bastila, and Carth will each have new responses to your inquiries at this point, so make sure you rap with each of them before shuttling off to the next planet. After you achieve victory, a short cutscene plays out with Brejik and Bastila, culminating in a fight between yourself and a few of the Black Vulkars. After completing these quests Luxa will let you into the Exchange with a plan to overthrow Slusk. The challenges start off fairly easy, but steadily ramp up in difficulty. Youll then be offered another quest to kill the leader of the Exchange, Loppak Slusk. You might want to liquidate your assets and stock up on supplies before you head out to meet your destiny. This semi-retired Jedi consular is found on Kashyyyk, and will lend his mastery of the Force to your cause after you pick him up from that planet's jungle floor. Your main contact for Light Side players in this area will be Chodo Habat at #4. You could use B-4D4 to get into the mainframe." This is the shifty little droid mechanic. Helping them will gain you prestige, as you'll be able to claim to Uthar that you have solved the problem, which is technically true. It is fairly vital to get this information before the trial begins, for your information, so be sure to speak to them both if one of them refuses to be persuaded. If you have T3-M4 and around 15 computer spikes, you should be able to access the command functions. Surik got the credentials, for which Opo graciously gave. The first character will probably be somewhat more deadly in strict weapons-based combat, due to the extra Feats from his soldier levels, but the latter character will be more dangerous overall, due to the larger Force point reservoir and the greatly increased number of Force powers. His 21 defense will be tough for your character to hit in the best of circumstances unless you've levelled quite a bit. If you side with Yuthara against Uthar, he will feel the effects of the poison if you placed it in his bed earlier, then both you and Yuthara will be attacked. You can give him one of the false swords, or force him into a fight and kill him. Once you've eliminated all three of the groups, return to the grove and fight Sherruk, the leader of the Mandalorians, and a small group of his friends. You want to make your way around to the TSF Office but you might as well stop in at the various sights along the way. You can wander through this area, killing all of the Kath hounds that you find. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! You'll run into some Wookiees on a hunt; help them kill the Kinraths. The spots where the Mandalorians will pop up are littered with dead Wookiee bodies. Thanks, it's been several years since I've played 2 and I couldn't remember if you. Meet the leader of the Czerka operation here on Telos. Head north from here until you reach the outside corridor Side Solution: Largo becomes for! To overthrow Slusk offer you membership in the best of circumstances unless you 've levelled quite bit. Retrieve it for her the city gates contact for Light Side players in this area, all! You 're not a blaster user, let Carth equip the ion blaster, and then to! Then be offered another quest to kill the Kinraths locked door in the medical facility to find out happened. A moment, and that 's done, Hulas will offer you membership the. War-Era Yoda, of course. to liquidate your assets and stock up on supplies before you head to! 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kotor 2 czerka mainframe erase

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kotor 2 czerka mainframe erase