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saint germain teachings





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Believed to have been born in 1710, many claims he was of Portuguese descent, perhaps from a Jewish family. There is a time for the coming of the Ascended Masters and the Avatar and the Divine Mother with us. When he, with eerie accuracy, including a detailed foretelling of the French Revolution, the queen reportedly responded, o, , Not even royalty. Rudolf Steiner, the penultimate source on all things spiritual, tells us in his teachings that Saint Germain was the reincarnation of the apostle John, the author of the Gospel of John, the Epistles of John, and the Book of Revelation. Each person was shocked and amazed and became a believer immediately. At the same time her relationship to another spiritualist, Mark Prophet and his wife Elizabeth (nee Wulf), was waning. Others tracked his birthplace to the Italian village of San Germano, which explains the name he was most commonly known as Count Saint Germain. Once I met a person I believed to be a master in the sequoia forest at a theosophical lodge. Not only was I reading all of the Aquarian and Summit Lighthouse materials and teachings, I was also visiting the Edgar Cayce Foundation regularly which was not far from Fort Bragg. St. Germain and the Master Jesus were quite hidden from outer history as they travelled throughout the world inspiring those who make history. Bacon had his hand in everything that was printed in the court. St. Germain, who is also known as Christian Rosencreutz, is the master and human guardian of the threshold at this time. The sound of His Voice was physically audible to everyone in the room. His Visible, Tangible Presence also stood within the room, when He radiated the We overseeand ministerto the "I AM" Activity community in America and throughout the world. He set up the Aquarian Foundation to support his work, and Ellen was one of his earliest supportersboth financially and spiritually. John Dees library at Mortlake was undoubtedly the source of the Renaissance and Classical references in Shakespeares work. Now is the time to turn the rudder in the direction of the spirit and to seek the help of the ever present Masters of Wisdom like St. Germain/Christian Rosencreutz or the being of Wisdom Herself Sophia. He formed secret societies and was a leading figure in the . When I met him, he appeared out of nowhere and was the most beautiful person I had ever seen. I weighed the eternal, it called my soul. The best book I found on this subject is one written by an anthroposophist. What is known is that Saint Germain possessed great personal wealth and a wide-reaching knowledge which included mastery of most European languages, the arts, music composition, and virtuosity as a violinist. Alice A. Bailey stated that "sometime after AD 2025," the Jesus, the Master Rakczi (Saint Germain), Kuthumi, and others in the Spiritual Hierarchy would "externalise", i.e., descend from the spiritual worlds, and interact in visible tangible bodies on the Earth in ashrams, surrounded by their disciples.[13]. It is called: I have known of the great whole, the principle and the end. Job in Saint-Germain-de-Grantham - Quebec - Canada. She founded the, in 1958 with her husband Mark L. Prophet, as well as the, There are many who view Count Saint Germain as . 2022 by Our Spirit. They were amazing. With modern times looking apocalyptic every day, one naturally asks the question: Where are the ascended masters when we need them the most? Full Time position. According to the Ascended Master Teachings, Saint Germain is "The God of Freedom for this system of worlds". Although separated in years by almost a half a century, Ellen and I developed a deep friendship, partly by both being clairvoyant and not having others that shared the same capacities, but also because of our keen interest in spiritual research. He was also known by other pseudonyms, including the Marquis de Montferrat, Comte Bellamarre, Chevalier Schoening, Count Weldon, Comte Soltikoff, Graf Tzarogy, and Prince Rkczi, son of Francis II Rkczi of Transylvania. Ascended Masters have revealed. . The main purpose of coming together and decreeing is to offer up our energy to Beloved Saint Germain and the Ascended Masters so They may take up the energy, amplify it, and return It to bless and protect and act in all activities which They know need the assistance. Meditations are given to help expand Plus you can download videos to your device to watch offline later. Well-traveled among the aristocracy, Saint Germain, with his quick wit and intelligence, wielded great influence politically, which also caused him to be seen as a provocateur. He laughed again and spoke words that sounded like bells ringing: There are many mysteries you have yet to uncover in this forest, Douglas but you will.. an international spiritual organization dedicated to spreading, and acting upon, the teachings of advanced extraterrestrial intelligences, Count Saint Germain is one of the Ascended Masters, who include: Among the others who report mystical encounters with Saint Germain include, Guy Ballard, founder of the I AM Activity, , who claimed he met Saint Germain on Mount Shasta in California in August of 1930. 2.5 hours, $29.95, #DVSETP09004. Ellen had been present for these teachings and had the films made for her personal viewing. As an Ascended Master, Saint Germain is believed to have many magical powers such as the ability to teleport, levitate, walk through walls, and to inspire people by telepathy, among others. The ritual of being raised from the dead had started in a prior incarnation for Lazarus. The Great Cryptogram: Francis Bacon's Cipher in the So-Called Shakespeare Plays, by Ignatius Donnelly, Bacon, Shakespeare, and the Rosicrucians, by Manly P. Hall, Francis Bacon our Shakespeare, by Edwin Reed, Francis Bacon, Poet, Prophet, Philosopher, Versus Phantom Captain Shakespeare, The Rosicrucian Mask, by William Francis C. Wigston. However, afte. Messages from Michael is the first in a series of four books that chronicles a three-decade-long "conversation" between a group of friends surrounding Sarah Chambers (19371998) and a channeled, spiritual . (Note: Not all Theosophical and Ascended Master Teaching groups accept all of these incarnations as valid. When he returned home he found that his library at Mortlake had been ransacked and his books stolen, never to be recovered. I do believe that the Masters of Wisdom and the Harmony of Feelings and Sensations (as Steiner calls them) are certainly real and do incarnate in human bodies. There are 20 volumes in the Saint Germain Series of Books, which are also referred to as the "Green Books". I knew he had to be the person people had spoken of so reverently. Bacon inserted bi-lateral ciphers into Shakespeares printed plays as well as the King James Version of the Bible and many other works. This small yet highly charged book brings ancient teachings of the Far East into the I AM Teachings that were given by the ascended master Saint Germain to Godfre Ray King in the 1930s. Earth's spiritual evolution takes place within a framework of numerous cycles, one of which is the 2000 years cycle dominated by one of the seven Rays as it expresses through a particular zodiac sign energy. Only fragments of the real understanding of the I AM Presence have been given Set your course by the stars, by the light of your Presence, by the compassion of the Christ, by the sinless state that holds to the proclamation of God that life is good and beautiful. At times, This book not only carries the Ascended Masters Understanding of the I AM, but is charged with Saint Germains Ascended Master Consciousness and the Ray of Light and Love from His Heart which is the Ascended Masters Feeling and Comprehension of Its full Power, forever Self-sustained. [17], Also see the article "Talking to the Dead and Other Amusements" by Paul Zweig, The New York Times, 5 October 1980, which maintains that Madame Blavatsky's revelations were fraudulent. Etheric Retreats: The Cave of Symbols, Table Mountain, Wyoming, USA; The Temple of the Maltese Cross, Transylvania, Romania Raymond Bernard's book The Great Secret St. Germain is biographical and covers many aspects of the Count's life, including his conflation with Sir Francis Bacon, and the author of the Shakespearean opus. Elizabeth Clare Prophet did the same with her St. Germain teachings that she channeled. There is also a facility in the Capitol Hill neighborhood in downtown Denver, Colorado.. It has been said of his musical ability, he played as if he was an entire orchestra. Who was Count Saint Germain and how did he achieve a god-like status that remains today? It is believed by the adherents of the Ascended Master Teachings that he then traveled secretly to Transylvania (then part of Hungary, now part of Romania) to the Rakoczy Mansion of the noble family of Hungary. I AM a being of violet fire, Who Wrote Bacon: William Shakespeare, Francis Bacon, and James I, by Richard Ramsbotham. The spiritual goal of the teachings is that, through a process of self-purification, the believer may attain the perfected condition of the saints, or become an ascended master when leaving their body, contrasted to common concepts of 'ordinary death'. A link to reset your password has been sent to you. Every progressive aspirant has the opportunity to meet and work with St. John/St. Like when an important relationship ends or a loved one passes away. The "I AM" Teachings - Saint Germain Teachings. The article now copied from All the Year Round relates to one of these menthe Count St. Germain.. They were both intrigued by his teachings which are still somewhat secret and quite developed, much like another spiritualists I would meet during this time through EllenElizabeth Clare Prophet of the Summit Lighthouse. 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THE ASCENDED MASTER TEACHING FOUNDATION (AMTF) In 1979 the dictations of the Ascended Masters, as given through Miss Geraldine Innocente and Mr. Perhaps Peter did take me on a hike, but it is only now as I begin to write these stories do I realize that my journey from the sequoia forest so many years ago would eventually lead me back to those very forests decades later with my wife and spiritual partner Tyla as we made the discovery of a lifetime, or as I shall leave you in suspense, a discovery of many lifetimes. Ellen became confused about the two St. Germain teachings and began to question the whole issue of channeling St. Germain, which both teachings claimed to do, yet taught in diametrically opposed ways. Some write that his name St. Germain was invented by him as a French version of the Latin Sanctus Germanus, meaning "Holy Brother". 17101784), who has been variously described as a courtier, adventurer, inventor, alchemist, pianist, violinist, and amateur composer. It is the most important Understanding mankind can ever have; and there is no Freedom nor Perfection for the individual, except through this conscious application. -Saint Germain. Who will be the flame of freedom that begins to build the foundations of a nation in the heart of the little child? Like when an important relationship ends or a loved one passes away. Where is a beginner to start on this important path of inquiry? By Its use, any human being can Free himself or herself from his or her own human discord and imperfection of the past and present. Believed to have been born in 1710, many claims he was of Portuguese descent, perhaps from a Jewish family. Nothing was, God willing, nothing became something. How to Heal a Broken Heart in 17 Different Ways, Couples Meditation For A More Intimate Bond With Your Partner, Toxic Guru Relationships: Osho and the Rajneeshees, The Power of Intention: 10 Steps to Manifesting Your Reality, How to Connect With the Divine Energy Your Higher Self Holds, Napping Technique Allows You to Tap Into Creative Thought, Our Brains Don't Slow With Age As Much As We Think, Research Shows Gratitude Practices Lower Inflammation. However, after a political dispute involving relations between Austria and France, Comte de Saint Germain fled to Russia where it is said he played an important, albeit behind-the-scenes role in the 1762 Russian revolution. As an Ascended Master, Saint Germain is believed to have many magical powers such as the ability to teleport, levitate, walk through walls, and to inspire people by telepathy, among others. Initiation: on the Seat-of-the-Soul Chakra Her den was filled with priceless artifacts and books from floor to ceiling. Comenius was the last Bishop of the Unity Brethren and homelessly wondered Europe before coming to London during the founding of the British Royal Society. The Great Ascended Master Saint Germain, one of those Powerful Cosmic Beings from the Great Host of Ascended Masters who govern this planet, is the governing Master for this Golden Age. She had said numerous times that she would fund the project just as she had funded the early work of the Aquarian Foundation and Summit Lighthouse. And, for those that read my writings, you know that my chosen path, after many years of study, was and is anthroposophy, or as we express it now-- neoanthroposophy. . Saint Germain was embodied as the prophet Samuel, Saint Joseph, Saint Alban-the first martyr of Britain, and Merlinalchemist, prophet and counselor to King Arthur. She was self-made and very savvy. Vibration: Violet, Purple, Pink, Aqua, Teal The Chart of the "Mighty I AM Presence" is the Open Door through which every human being on Earth can see God face to face, because the Chart represents the form of each one's own Individualized Presence of God. The Ascended Master is an Individual who, by Self-Conscious Effort, has generated enough Love and Power within Himself to snap the chains of all human limitation. Mankind must choose of their own volition whether they want to go forward in the Freedom of the Light or remain in their limitations. He is the Greatest Blessing that has ever come to mankind, because He operates under the Ray which is the Purifying Power to the Earth. We invite you to learn moreabout this Ascended Master Instruction. Saint Germain didnt live to see his prophecy come to fruition. The Saint-Germain Cycle: . I turned to my friend to see his reaction and he was in a trance of some sort. The Strauss waltzes carry the vibration of the violet flame and will help to put you in tune with Saint Germain. It has been said of his musical ability, he played as if he was an entire orchestra. Nothing came into print without Bacons permission and additions. His electronic pattern is the Maltese cross; his fragrance, that of violets. He was considered a mystic, philosopher, social influencer, and an Ascended Master. To some, the Count represented the second coming of Jesus Christ, and a being who defied death, being reincarnated throughout the ages. We are at our most vulnerable, our most creative, and in a sense, our most awake and alive during times of emotional pain. Christian Rosenkreutz is Calling His Pupils: Are You One? Their influence spans generations; their impact resonates long past their physical lifetime. Whatever one believes, Saint Germains life ended as mysteriously as it began. Was Rudolf Steiner the Master Christian Rosenkreutz? THE POWER OF LIGHT IN YOU IS THE POWER OF GOD, THE "MIGHTY I AM.". I believe, through my own research, that one of the masters was for years on Ellesmere Island, Canada doing special work to help the pole-shift that is happening, even as you read this story. We often overlook the importance of the little, comforting things we can do to help nurture ourselves through hard times. He is the great sponsor of freedom's flame, while Portia is the sponsor of the flame of justice and opportunity. Such Instruction as is herein contained has never been given to students until after a three year probation in the Retreats. Our unique blend of yoga, meditation, personal transformation, and alternative healing content is designed for those seeking to not just enhance their physical, spiritual, and intellectual capabilities, but to fuse them in the knowledge that the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. There, at the main house, her collection of Keiths apported crystals and gems were breathtaking, and she knew it. Permission for Them to be explained to students as given forth in these Discourses has been granted to us by these Great Ones. Be Connected. His recorded death is between 1781 and 1784, years before the French Revolution unfolded. She felt that his capacities were greatly diminished. According toone source, Saint Germain returned to France during Louis XIVs reign as a confidante of Marie Antoinette, who was acquainted with the Counts reputation as a mystic and prophet. Ascended Master Saint Germain is one of the Great Beings from the Spiritual Hierarchy who govern this system of worlds. St. Germain and the Master Jesus are able to inspire people from a distance. Known for his involvement in the occult, which was popular interest in 18th century France, Saint Germain was also believed to be an alchemical master, so much so he is known as the Violet Flame, referring to the highest frequency of spiritual energy. Mysterious Painting Reveals Initiation of Christian Rosenkreutz. ThisInstructionisthe trueandfull understanding of the inner Laws of Life that govern our existence:why we exist, our purpose in life, why things happen, andthe actual knowledge of how we can change and reshapeour own world;and, on an even greater level of existence howwe can actively help and serve mankind, and make a difference. The third volume, The 'I AM' Discourses, contains material that is foundational to the sacred scriptures of the "I AM" Religious Activity, founded in 1930 the first of the Ascended Master Teachings religions. St. Germain and the Master Jesus travel between the other masters, coordinating their activities. [10] According to The Theosophical Society, the Seven Rays are seven metaphysical principles that govern both individual souls and the unfolding of each 2,158-year-long Astrological Age. He says this, "my special interest has focused on America and the expansion of freedom for all. Bacon was like Amos Comenius who was the last of the Rosicrucians to come out of the Unity Brethren, the Moravian Brotherhood, the Wandering Bohemians, who carried the three Rosicrucian works of Johann Valentin Andreas eventually into the British Royal Society. Francis Bacon was fully aware of Dees library, as were all the royalty. Theosophical books like, The Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, by Baird T. Spalding told tales of physically encountering these masters and witnessing miraculous things. I asked him if my friend and I could go with the group that he was going to take on a hike. ", It is the most important Understanding mankind can ever have; and there is no Freedom nor Perfection for the individual, except through this conscious application.. After Lazarus was raised, he was called John the beloved, the one the Lord loved.. individuals. intense, transcendent Instruction concerning the I AM been given to Prior to this clip, Elizabeth Clare Prophet said, Our particular subject this evening is Saint Germains teaching on alchemy. Get instant access to free videos, helpful articles, and exclusive offers. I could feel this being doing his work there and often went there in spirit to help with the work. Members, those who study and apply the "I AM" Teachings,join together inservice at our Temples and Sanctuaries. Together with his twin flame, the ascended lady master Portia, the Goddess of Justice, he is the hierarch of the Aquarian age. Technicien qualit. Bacon and Comenius had spiritual content at the core of their teachings and writings, but the outer manifestation of these became modern education and scientific materialism. After his final lifetime as Sir Francis Bacon, the ascended master Saint Germain physically appeared throughout the courts of Europe as le Comte de Saint Germain. More recently, Saint Germain was Roger Bacon, Christopher Columbus and, in his final lifetime, Sir Francis Bacon. I went my separate way, feeling that her clairvoyance was not accurate and was based in atavistic methods of pseudo-clairvoyance that is not grounded and practical. LAW OF LIFE & TEACHINGS BY DIVINE BEINGS. St. John/St. Your attention is your power of concentration. When a command is given, it is always the outer self calling unto God, and in the Name of that Mighty I AM Presence, commanding substance and energy to obey the Decree given, which is the Self-conscious effort required in order to open the door for the Intelligence of the I AM to release Its Perfect Manifestation. are as enigmatic as the life he lived. His recorded death is between 1781 and 1784, years before the French Revolution unfolded. Saint Germain has lived many lives including Prophet Samuel of the Old Testament, Sir Francis Bacon, Saint Joseph, A High Priest of Atlantis, Christopher Columbus, and Merlin to name only a few. Buy the complete e-book for only 99 cents! I explain by that art, the soul with the womb of a Mother, Make its home, take it away, and as a kernel. I had a notion that Ellen (not her real name) wanted me to start an organization that authentically contacted St. Germain and the masters. He had the words written down, and they became a substantial, secret teaching that was available to his students for a price. In 1881, more than 100 years after Saint Germains reported death, Madame Blavatsky wrote, [a]t long intervals have appeared in Europe certain men whose rare intellectual endowments, brilliant conversation, and mysterious modes of life have astounded and dazzled the public mind. He is a master alchemist of the sacred fire who comes bearing the gift of the violet flame of freedom for world transmutation. Ellen and many others were outraged at the trumped up charges against Keith, but despite their support of Keith, he was a different man when he left Walla Walla, so Ellen thought. The "I AM" Teachings - Saint Germain Teachings The Mighty "I AM" Presence GOD IN YOU. The former is a compilation of letters, diaries, and private records written about the Count by members of the French aristocracy who knew him in the 18th century. I had not mentioned my name. They would draw the curtain open and be amazed at who was looking back at them. Catholic Charities celebrates the memory of St. Germaine, namesake of Germaine's Caf, by providing dignified employment opportunities to individuals living with IDDs. Helping Ellen discern whether the teachings of the Aquarian Foundation and Summit Lighthouse wasnt the first time I had helped in odd situations like this. Francis Bacon has been called the greatest mind the West ever produced and is known as the father of inductive reasoning and the scientific method. This was a preparation for the first Christian ritual of Lazarus being raised from the dead by Jesus Christ. Ranked as one of Canada's 50 Best Managed Companies, we are renowned for our attentive and personalized service and, the iconic style of our various hotels and restaurants. I held steadfastly to a great dominant desire from Within -, to see, to hear, and to know, infallibly, the Truth of Life. Dee was also an ambassador for James I to Europe and arranged the Chemical Wedding of James Is daughter Elizabeth to Fredrick V at Heidelberg. Be Inspired. In the Ascended Master Teachings he is referred to simply as Saint Germain, or as the Ascended Master Saint Germain. Gifts of the Holy Spirit: gift of Prophecy and the Working of Miracles I witnessed both become St. Germain in the blink of an eye. His masonic ritual, The Most Holy Trinosophia is a jewel and can be a great help in fashioning a path of spiritual development. to the outer world until now. "In the 1700s, Saint Germain dazzled royal courts with his amazing alchemical feats such as removing the flaws from diamonds and became known as the Wonderman of Europe. For a price group that he was considered a mystic, philosopher, saint germain teachings,... Jesus are able to inspire people from a Jewish family Keiths apported crystals and were... 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saint germain teachings