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sentence of realised






At this distance of time it is difficult to realize the degree to which these suttee. The appeal is still to the individual, who, if not by reason then by some higher faculty, claims to realize absolute truth and to taste absolute blessedness. Then there was the mission question; this became acuter about 1833 when the friars began to destroy, or sell and realize on, the mission property. That he was remotely normal now made her realize how strong he was. Did you realize that as an atheist turned agnostic, RVW wrote a vast canon of church music and edited four major hymnals? "I don't believe we'll realize anything, when it comes to that," remarked Dorothy, who had been deep in thought. You will, when you realize what it is you don't know yet. After Boniface VIII., however, no pope seriously attempted to realize them; to do so had in fact become impossible, for from the time of their residence at Avignon (1305-1377) the popes were in a state of complete dependence upon the French crown. It requires an effort for us, under our clouded skies, to realize in some degree the intensity of that impression. He'd realize she was like every other woman and leave her alone. ), and the Prussian constitution of February 1847 was an attempt to realize the ideas put forward by him in his Gesprache aus der Gegenwart fiber Staat and Kirche, published under the pseudonym "Waldheim" in 1846. (keep) " The situation is becoming realistic. I realize it's late out there but I'm verifying one of your guests. From the time of his entrance into politics Rhodes endeavoured I to induce the leading men in the country to realize that a development of the whole country could and should be accomplished by South Africans for South Africans. humanist officiants will continue to be more influential on society than they perhaps realize. I guess I shouldn't have said anything, but don't you realize that the way Alex treats you gives Jonathan reason to question your authority? Of these two objects, he was only to realize the former; but the crusade may well be said to have been his own work. This ideal is before the cotton grower in all parts of the world, but practical steps are not always taken to realize it. Of course they did not realize how difficult and perplexing they were making the examinations for me. Although the systematic framework of the thought and the terminology used are both derived from the Cartesian philosophy, the intellectual milieu of the time, the early work enables us, better than the Ethics to realize that the inspiration and starting-point of his thinking is to be found in the religious speculations of his Jewish predecessors. He set to work to realize this project, and produced the Apostles in 1866, a.nd St Paul in 1869, after having visited Asia Minor with his wife, where he studied the scenes of the labours of St Paul as minutely as in 1861 he had observed the material surroundings of the life of Jesus. The more interesting question connected with the left bank is whether it does not provide, as Napoleon thought, the most natural outlet for the expansion of Antwerp. 2 The process of this overlaying is easy to realize if we remember how usual it was to transfer characteristics and episodes drawn from immemorial folk-lore to successive historical personages. The West minster Assembly, through its Confession, Directory and Catechisms, has become so associated with the Presbyterian Church that it is difficult to realize that it was not a church court at all, much less a creation of Presbyterianism. had the wit to realize - to involve the fate of the one with that of the other, as in France. Past participle: realised Gerund: realising Imperative realise realise Present I realise you realise he/she/it realises we realise you realise they realise... Realise - … flagging up savings There is far more scope for cost-cutting and business advantage using automatic sensing technologies than most realize. The injured animal was nursed back to health by the zookeeper and then released back into the wild. The main object to be aimed at, therefore, in the study of elementary mensuration, is that the student should realize the possibility of the numerical expression of areas and volumes. disconcerting to realize that you are merely a shadow in other people's lives. The amalgamation of the ministry of commerce with the ministry of ways in 1889 further enabled Baross to realize his great idea of making the trade of Hungary independent of foreign influences, of increasing the commercial productiveness of the kingdom and of gaining every possible advantage for her export trade by a revision of tolls. And he did not realize the importance of the kinship between Christian doctrine and Hellenistic syncretism, which helped to promote the reception of Christianity. We have to be saturated, as it were, with 18th-century influences, so that we can realize the conditions in which industry and trade were carried on, before we can rightly explain the course of development. You realize by cuffing her, you made her—and your sister—vulnerable? These ideas governed it in medieval times also, and in this way monastic life received a decided bent towards mysticism: the monks strove to realize the heavenly life even upon earth, their highest aim being the contemplation of God and of His ways. The humble realize the futility of trying to redeem themselves. His ambition, however, was boundless, and he set himself to realize the dream of his father - a Burgundian kingdom stretching from the North Sea to the Mediterranean. I didn't realize it was that close to lunch time. I realize that many spammers are now actual people getting paid to disrupt the forum but its worth a try. Do you realize that's the first time you said 'our' anything? For this unfortunate combination Signor Sonnino himself was not altogether to blame; having lost many of his most faithful followers, who, weary of waiting for office, had gone over to the enemy, he had been forced to seek support among men who had professed hostility to the existing order of things and thus to secure at least the neutrality of the Extreme Left and make the public realize that the reddest of Socialists, Radicals and Republicans may be tamed and rendered harmless by the offer of cabinet appointments. The name of rice has from time immemorial been so closely associated with Indian agriculture that it is difficult to realize how comparatively small an area is planted with this crop. We had walked further than I had realized. It is in seeking to realize its own ideas in the world of knowledge, feeling and action that the mind comes into possession of itself; it is in becoming permeated and transformed by the mind's ideas that the world develops the fullness of its reality as object. He resembles the first in his method of investigating the end which human nature is intended to realize; he reminds of the other by the consistency with which he upholds the absolute supremacy of moral law. I didn't realize she didn't know what happened to Ed. Katie's mouth dropped open, and she began to realize something was very, very wrong. He can't even realize the seriousness of what he did! It took a moment for her to realize he wasn't asleep. Maybe it was good that you said something to make him realize you needed his help. As for Leinster none of the Brythonic peoples mentioned by Ptolemy left traces of their name, although it is possible that the ruling 1 Scholars are only beginning to realize how close was the connexion between Ireland and Wales from early times. Brusati had failed to realize the necessity of defence in depth, or the essentials of a good defensive line, but a graver error still was his neglect in regard to the preparation of second-line positions. She was gradually accepting his touch, a subtle sign of a thaw she probably didn't realize she was doing. Synonym Discussion of realize. His people were starving as the planet died, and soon, the Council would realize the planet produced no ore without its rightful ruler. Do you realize we've never made love any place besides our home? You realize that means you can't kill the bitch who tortured you for all those years? It is difficult for a generation which has witnessed another complete revolution in the standards of artistic taste to realize the secret of David's immense popularity in his own day. You realize by cuffing her, you made her—and your sister—vulnerable? The Old Pretender himself calculated upon foreign aid in his attempts to restore the monarchy of the Stuarts; and the idea of rebellion unassisted by invasion or by support of any kind from abroad was one which it was left for Charles Edward to endeavour to realize. (failed to, began to, came to) " The accident made me realize how much I love him. Sentence Examples A lot of our regulars are understanding and realisethe grief this is causing to the staff. Ethics shows how to realize internal freedom by resolutely pursuing rational ends in opposition to those of natural inclination. In his treatment of subject, Guerin attempted to realize rococo graces of conception, the liveliness of which was lost in the strenuous effort to be correct. Why did he continue the farce when he must realize she had him pegged? Thc ministry resigned, but no other could be found to take its place; and the majority began to realize the situation. Dear Mark, A simple question I realize, but, exactly what is the difference between a right and wrong bettor in craps? A flare of interest was in Darkyn's black gaze, one that made her realize he wasn't leaving until he was finished with her. communicated with the client and helped realize their solution. Getting everyone to realize that every single data error potentially sends people on a fools errand is a critical success factor. He conceives of them as living a life of eternal peace and exemption from passion, in a world of their own; and the highest ideal of man is, through the exercise of his reason, to realize an image of this life. be cognizant or aware of a fact or a specific piece of information; possess knowledge or information about. It shouldn't have taken almost losing him for her to realize how vulnerable he was. This design he certainly failed to realize. 5. canny enough to realize the value of stylisation. Obviously he did realize the consequences of his actions. - William Thomson (Lord Kelvin), who wars the first to realize the importance of the absolute scale in thermodynamics, and the inadequacy of the test afforded by Boyle's law or by experiments on the constancy of the specific heat of gases, devised a more delicate and practical test, which he carried out successfully in conjunction with Joule. As soon as we realised something was wrong, we moved the children away. I realised I was becoming increasingly depressed and apathetic. dopey guards realize that the treasure has gone and both faint. It was quite another to realize the weapon was him and the gem was merely the key to access it. I just find it odd that it doesn't stick well to actions or descriptions, it seems more suited to explaining nature and objects. aeonen we realize more that it takes eons to develop right understanding we shall be less inclined to think in terms of progress. I didn't realize you were rotating here, or I'd have blocked it. For the first time in my life I realised that sport actually makes sense and that the dedication and training are worth it. He'd realize she was about to betray him, then come to kill her. She saw her husband, but did not realize the significance of his appearance before her now. They failed to realize that permissible abstraction from specific contents or methods of knowledge does not obliterate reference to matter or content. "Howie," Quinn implored, "You have to realize you can't cure all the ills of the world. Do you realize you just agreed to marry me? As a member of the cabinet responsible for the Transvaal negotiations in 1899 he bore his full share of controversy, and when the war opened so disastrously he was the first to realize the necessity for putting the full military strength of the country into the field. But one has only to observe that hive to realize that there is no longer any life in it. From Naples, after visiting Pompeii, he returned to Paris, his mind fermenting with poetical images and projects, few of which he was destined to realize. Do you realize that's the first time you've done that? The change was so gradually and silently effected that it is difficult to realize its full importance. It was then I came to realize he killed in the dark, not face to face with his victim. When the aim of the man of affairs and the hypothesis of the economist was unrestricted competition, and measures were being adopted to realize it, general theory such as the classical economists provided was perhaps a sufficiently trustworthy guide for practical statesmen and men of business. ‘Until I went through the episode reviews, I didn't fully understand or realize the deep flaws in the writing.’. And the more you play, the more you realize how much there is to know... who passed grade school can learn it! Montagnards and Girondists alike were fundamentally opposed to the monarchy; both were democrats as well as republicans; both were prepared to appeal to force in order to realize their ideals; in spite of the accusation of "federalism" freely brought against them, the Girondists desired as little as the Montagnards to break up the unity of France. Jessi didn't realize she was shaking, until he took her hands. It took him a long moment to realize that she was finished talking. letters and memoranda dictated by them, while at the same time secretly warning her friends not to accept these letters as her own opinions, but to realize that she was dependent on the Constitutionals.'. She watched in horror as he pulled out a crumpled woman.s body, even more shocked to realize she recognized the woman.s face when Jade set her on the bed. My hands, I began to realize how expensive it would have to realize the staggering! How expensive it would have thought Alex was bright enough to realize you were serious about him … as... Lilith 's betrayal, '' Gabriel added was going on each other namely, uniform rectilinear.! Renounce this hope as they came to ) used with nouns: `` I guess I n't. His position their brutal take on reality to ground him you for a long time happening him... Which of its potentials we choose to realize exactly what it meant to be where she was gradually accepting touch! 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